Kryuzei's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
First : The battle system.
The battle system, Squaresoft present a new battle system named.....(i forgot) Turn based system ? it allows the player
to know Their turn for the battle, example:
This is the turn :
Monster A
Monster B
and so on, it also makes a strategic play, for example if you used Haste for one character. Example for Wakka for the
last Turn based System, it will change like this :
Monster A..
and so on.
not only that, you could change character with pressing the L1 button, for example : Tidus has a pretty low HP, but the
group were only Lulu and Riku, You want to change it to Yuna because you don't have any item, you could simply
press L1 to change character and heal him.
Second : The Sphere Grid System.
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Mitchell's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
if you like love storys...then FFX is the game for you.....
wondering through an unknown world you will be hypnostised by some of the outstanding scenes which take your breath
there is some humour in FFX although it is very rare to see it due to such an intense battle between the human race and inihalation.
i really recomend this game to many people if they are interested in RPG Gaming or just want to be a part of some great love story.....
the difficulty of the game is not very hard but you need to have a good background of the final fantasy games to totaly get whats going on and how to use the battle system....
as for the leveling up system....thats long gone
a new system has been introduced which you will gradually get used to as the game progresses...
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Mogryph's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
Final Fantasy X was not made to have a funny story. The few bits that are humorous will provoke no more than a chuckle,
but that’s all they’re meant to do.
The battle system is quite new in a number of ways. For one thing, you can see when each character and fiend can use
their turns. While this slows down the battles somewhat, it adds strategy. You can also instantly switch characters
mid-battle, completely freely. I find this makes the battles a lot more enjoyable, as you have to plan around every
character’s strengths to win.
The system players use to level up, the “sphere grid�, is also original. Essentially, it’s a massive
grid with stat bonuses, spells and abilities littered all over it.
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Limefreak's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
Humor of Final Fantasy Ten:
Ok i'am going to put this as easy as possible there was almost no funny parts of Final Fantasy 10 because first of
all Tidus needs to get back home he's probably worried and wants to go home and finish his blitzball career.Second
Yuna's supposedly going to die i don't think that is very humorous do you?!?!?But,there was only two parts
that were sort of funny but,what was weird is i didn't even laugh because i was thinking what are they going to say
This is not a humorous game so if anyone tells you otherwise they are crazy and have never played this game or any of
the Final Fantasy series titles......
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Destructivemidgets' Final Fantasy X Tv Review
They presented this game very good and kept you intrigued with the story line. They also made this game very hard so it is not one of those games where you beat it in a week. It took me a month the first time. The originality is great and i like how they make every final fantasy game different but its still in the same time period. Also in parts of final fantasy 10 you will see people from other games like final fantasy 7 and final fantasy 8. This game was funny in parts and dramatic in others. One thin g that I love is how the difficuly gets harder and each boss throughout the game really test your gaming skills I think that this was one of my favorite games i have ever played.
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April-Showers' Final Fantasy X Tv Review
This game was so enjoyable! I would play it again if I wasn't so busy. I'm a game-tester. I spend my money on
video games and rate them on websites. It's a strange hobby...
Even if you've never heard of Final Fantasy, I'd reccomend this game for everyone.
It was so fun to play. It had some moments that made me laugh. Sometimes I'm not sure if I was supposed to laugh or
not... It made me smile too. It brings out almost every one of your emotions while you're playing it. My sister,
who HATES RPGs, always wanted to watch me play it. I think that says something. The fighting system in this game is so
great... You get used to it so fast it gets to be like drinking water. It's very fun to fight. But, like all
games, fighting gets tedious when you don't want to fight.
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Sunira's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
I loved the Humour in the game. Mainly because it was really bad and completely cheesy. I think its probably a problem with most translated games. Sometimes the humor is really cute and sometimes its really awful and corny. The corniest characters are Tidus and Yuna. Tidus is almost like a ten year old trying to grow up. The playability of the game is great. Ive played it three times through already, doing it better each time. You can go through the main storyline or do the umpteen sidequests as well. The sidequests are fun and are definelty worth it as you can get the strongest weapons and fight the hardest monsters only by doing them. Plus, more storyline, which is never bad.
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Sirfelix' Final Fantasy X Tv Review
This is a game you do not want to stop playing. The plot is compelling with plenty of comedy, action and romance. The battle system is like in most Final Fantasy's, a new innovation. In this game there is no battle gauge instead a list of who acts next is used and changes according to certain actions taken (eg. using haste moves a character up the list and gives them more turns more often). The levelling up system is not new but different in that you level up a particular stat, but you do so by moving each character around a large grid, with each character starting in their own area of the grid (eg. Firaga in Lulu's Black Mage area of the grid). I would advise anyone to make Kimahri follow a fighter path, he can be either Mage or Fighter but I found he was a fairly useless mage.
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Sythe's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
I really liked this game a lot. Mush of the other Final Fantasy's didn't feel as Epic as Final Fantasy 7
untill this one came out. FFX is truely one of the better Final Fantasy's with enough comedy, Action, and Romance
to keep you playing. The Fighting system is the best in a Final Fantasy yet. The Leveling up system is nothing special
but very creative.
I loved how the game had scenes like a movie that had voice and dialog. The story is pretty neat and has a lot of
mysteries. The Sidequest comes in many variety that kept me playing for well over 250 hours. The Monsters comes in all
variety and difficulties. The gameplay is easy to learn because there is an arrow that points to where you go next.
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Kogan's Final Fantasy X Tv Review
I'd have to say that this game is the best traditional console RPG out today (and yes, I've played star ocean that was recently released). Playing through the game normally took me about 38 hours to get to the last real boss who promptly beat me down several times. This made me look for some of the extras and secrets in the game, and boy, are there a ton of extra sidequests! The sidequests kept me busy for another 40 or so hours, but the monster gathering quest did take the biggest portion of that time.
One of the great differences between this game and other RPGs is that you have no weapon attack power, no armor defense, etc.
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