Fallenfate's My Neighbor Totoro Tv Review
![My Neighbor Totoro](http://static3.minitokyo.net/thumbs/19/24/483719.jpg)
Like i said before.
Its an easy enough film to watch.
If you want depth, you won't really find it here.
Its sentimental at the most. Its a magical experience that you will get.
Humour? Well I didn't really laugh at loud to any bits, but I did smile occasionally at the interaction between some characters. The boy made me smile the most I guess, just due to the way he acts.
Concept? Well it was easy enough to understand. I mean its a fantasy after all. You accept what you are seeing.
Enjoyability? Definitely enjoyable! Loved every minute of it when i was younger and when i watched it again when i was older.
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