RouronikenshinX7's Shin Megami Tensei Game Review
If I were to grade Nocturne in presentation, the results would be this:
*Grading system is in a 1-5 ratio 5 being the highest*
Originality- 4
Storyline- 4.5
Action- 5
Drama(considerable sad moments and such)- 3
Comedy- 2
Battle System- 4.5
In-game graphics- 3
Scenes (I call FMVs)- 4
Music- 4.5
Game play(controls and "smoothness of the game")- 4
Overall rating- 5 A Must Have Game!
Remember, these are ratings based on my opinion and is bias. You should make your own conclusions. If you have further
questions or requests - screenshots, images, plot- regarding the game, you may go ahead and message.
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