Hachiko's A Channel Tv Review
If you are looking for a series that has a comprehensive plot that thickens with every passing episode, you're going to be a tad disappointed by what you see in A Channel. Keep in mind that this is a moe show riding on the coattails of K-ON!'s success. You can say that this is K-ON! without the guitars, club meetings, cakes and tea. There is not really much of a plotline to sniff at in this one.
However, if you like shows that have excellent art and animation to go with catchy music, you should give this a try. We all know that moe has been the in thing for quite some time. It's the moneymaker of all anime shows: the moe! Appreciate it, or at least try to. There has to be something about A Channel that makes you say, hey, I want to tune in. Where can I subscribe.
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