very well written EXPECT!!!!
i luv inuyasha, wen i 1st watched it i was hooked keke ^^
this ish a great review 4 others who dunnoz inuyasha
thanxies 4 the review ^^
Inuyasha tv Review
Story & Characters
Inuyasha is a long-running anime that tells the story of Kagome, an everyday teenage girl who is whisked away, one fateful day, to Feudal Japan. This isn't the Feudal Japan you read about in history books though, it emanates with magic and wonderful things and is overrun by demons. Upon stepping out of the magic well that transported her to this time period, Kagome comes upon one such demon, Inuyasha. Inuyasha isn't like all the rest though, he is considered a hanyou, a half-human, half-demon. He is also sealed to a tree by an arrow in the chest.
Kagome grows an instant fondness for Inuyasha and releases him from his ethereal fetters. Though Inuyasha takes coldly to Kagome and confuses her for someone else, their relationship slowly grows over time. And what a great length of time they spend together! After it is revealed that Kagome has the legendary Shikon Jewel on/in her body (grin), it is almost soon-after shattered into pieces, which disperse themselves throughout the world. It then becomes up to Kagome and Inuyasha to recover the pieces.
As the two travel, they learn a great deal about themselves and one-another. Twists and turns abound. Inuyasha and Kagome also bump into a colorful cast of characters, who either join them on their quest or try to kill them.
It didn't take me long to fall in love with Inuyasha. The series simply does a lot of things right, and that's not really surprising, considering that it was and still is such a successful franchise. There are four points about Inuyasha that I feel really make the series. The first point is its humor, the second is its action, the third is its plot twists, and fourth are its characters.
The humor of Inuyasha is very similar to what is found in DragonBall Z, though it is much more refined here. The humor comes primarily from the characters' little peccadillos. Consider Myouga the flea, he only comes out when he is absolutely certain everything is safe. Also of note for the series' humor is how refreshingly the characters respond to one-another. There's nary a cliche moment. Take when Sota tells his grandfather that he plans on becoming a soccer player and not guarding the family shrine, as tradition mandates. Sota's grandfather does not get into a rage or give a boring tirade, he instead gets a befuddled look on his face and asks Sota whether he wants to become a goalie or a forward.
Also like DragonBall Z, the humor of Inuyasha is counter-balanced with its stunning action sequences. Inuyasha, the hanyou, must face off against countless demons throughout the series. And these demons aren't easy either - some take a full two episodes to defeat. Indeed, one of the demons we meet early on in the series, Yura, seemed impossible to me to overcome. And yet, Inuyasha and Kagome find a way to beat her, though it was a tough (and memorable) battle.
As Inuyasha and Kagome venture through the world, killing demons along the way, we learn a ton of things about them and their past. Don't take anything at face value with this series. It likes throwing twists, turns, and coincidences at you. I personally liked them all. ^_^
While all the aforementioned help make Inuyasha a delightful series, it is really the characters that give Inuyasha its heart. The characters of the show are all very well-conceived and just as well presented. Kagome is a typical teenage girl who is still very awkward around romantic relationships and so gets scared when she begins to get close to Inuyasha. Inuyasha suffered a very lonely childhood, not being accepted by either humans or demons, and so carries this resentment in his mind still. Every main character has a reason for why he or she behaves the way he or she does. But this beauty in Inuyasha's characters aren't limited to just the main ones. Even the minor characters have their motivations and most are quite interesting to watch. Heck, I even empathized with some of the demons! (Note the word "some," a lot of them were downright creepy.)
Inuyasha is a very good series and its success is a testament to that fact. I recommend it wholeheartedly
The graph of the series created by Rumiko is very simple like its
other previous creations 1/2 Ranma and Urusei Yatsura, to name some.
Perhaps this is not impediment to opacar the magic that locks up the
series, for example: all the events that are happening are so interesting that the graph is
not reason to let see the series, to this it is added, a pair of digital effects once in a while in the series.
Also like all series, the graph is improving or it stays as history advances, since there are series that its graph is
changing, but for badly.
The colors , may be, one of the greater factors like music, since the so alive colors, defined, and its great gamma,
they show a constant movement that hallucinates to the viewers.
Inuyasha, like the great majority of the series has its sound track composed byone of the most famous composers of Japan
Kaoru Wada.
In it animates ost are 3 and 4 by each existing film.
Nevertheless there are 2 discs that reciven the name "the best of Inuyasha" Vol.1 and Vol.2, this it contains
the complete versions of the series or in openings or endings, here we will be with the voices of V6, Hitomi, Every
Little Thing, Ayumi Hamasaki, Boa, Namie Amuro, Do as Infinity, to name some.
Also there is a CD that is symphonic and "wings" was titled.
Simply Everything what surrounds to the series, that is, the sound track, it is a faithful reflection of epoca feudal of
Japan. Only me that it gives to say to them that it is only necessary toenjoy it.
Inuyasha is a show for all you people who love thrillers and historic fiction. Its a blood pumping show that has fights, romance, name calling, sarcasm and all around fun.
Its about a 15 year old girl(kagoume) who falls in a well that is a time portal to fudal Japan. There she meets Inuyasha
(who is a half dog demon), Songo (a demon killer), Meroku(a monk) and Shippo(a fox demon). They go to find shards of the
shikon jewel (the shikon no tama). If this jewel (or even shards) falls in the wrong hands (which it often does)it means
Inuyasha, like the great majority of the series has its sound track composed byone of the most famous composers of Japan
Kaoru Wada.
In it animates ost are 3 and 4 by each existing film.
The graph of the series created by Rumiko is very simple like its other previous creations 1/2 Ranma and Urusei Yatsura,
to name some.
The colors , may be, one of the greater factors like music, since the so alive colors, defined, and its great gamma,
they show a constant movement that hallucinates to the viewers.
Final Verdict
7.6667 (good)
Reviewed by EXPECT, May 15, 2005
lilm May 15, 2005
darkangel9889 May 16, 2005
Well, I agree in some what with your review. However for the story, I would probably give it a 7-ish rating. Nothing is wrong with your view of it, but one thing is the repetition of the episodes. Some episodes keep repeting similar actions over and over again with minor difference in between. This of course, bores me.
foxzero May 16, 2005
well i dont have much to say so i will make is short
very well done i would have to agree with it so great job ^^
kumiho May 16, 2005
i'm stil not agree if it said 'almost' similar with Dragonball Z ~_~
but it's true though >_<
thx 4 the review :) -
melymay May 18, 2005
whoa, ur good ay reviewing, it's almost like falling in love all over again with the series, lol. great review!
Sira May 18, 2005
Very good inuyasha review has this all very clear one, the only thing for my pleasure is that you put images of the series so that not the conoscan identifies the characters
Suspiria May 25, 2005
I love rumiko takahashi!!^^
parc May 25, 2005
inuyasha :167 Episodes and 4 movies
inuspirit Banned Member May 30, 2005
Hey im gay any 1 else i need a boy friend
himan Jun 03, 2005
i totally agree
lightfromhell Jun 10, 2005
i own all the episodes of inuyasha it nvr ended yet but this show is awesome has plenty of action and love story with it lol
HOLIC Jun 22, 2005
i love rumiko^^!!!!!!!!!! nice review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
phantazm Aug 11, 2005
brilliant review :D very well spoken. its like i know the series at heart already just from your narration!
k-elric-13 Oct 31, 2005
Very good review couldn't a daid it better myself. I think it's soo funny and
cute. The characters in it are great! I really love it when Inu Yasha becomes
human it's so cool -
UberDog Mar 23, 2015
Interesting and detailed review, good job. I don't like the anime all that much but that's the power of opinions.
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