
tishdon's Arjuna Tv Review


Arjuna tv Review

Story & Characters

Set in modern day Japan, this story has exceptional potential to produce a memorable series. Focusing on Juna Ariyoshi, who is a modern Japanese teenager, the first episode introduces the main characters and starts the incredible situation Juna finds herself in. After a motorcycle accident Juna regains ‘awareness’ to find herself looking down at her body in hospital. Her spirit is offered another chance at living if she accepts the position of the Avatar of Time and fight large worm-like creatures – called Raaja- to save all life on Earth, which is on the verge of extinction. Juna’s body in hospital dies, but after a minute she sits up and runs out of the building and jumps into a hovering helicopter where the former Avatar of Time and a telepathic girl await her. And so starts the fantastic journey of the series.

After this beginning there’s only one way the story can go right? Up, and this is only the first 17 minutes of the first episode! Also the change to Avatar of Time cannot be seen be the naked eye (very non-magical girl).

But not even this detail and the first episode can resurrect this series after the story takes a down-turn and rants and lectures about the nasties of the modern world and the greediness of industrialised countries and their population in great and rather boring detail. Even after the poor watcher is bored of having these messages rammed down their throat the writers of this series push a little further until it is a pleasure to get to the last two episodes (if you are still watching that is). The last two episodes introduce the main message of this series in a surprising plot twist that ties up any loose ends and firmly ends the series.

Rating: 4


The art in this series is finely drawn and really attractive. The backgrounds and the characters are well drawn and coloured and really detailed. In particular the Raaja’s (large worm-like creatures) are really vivid and highlighted, they may make the colours in the majority of the series seem generally dull and toned-down. But the best art was saved for Juna’s Avatar of Time form, the colours are so contrasted and vivid. Unlike some other anime there has been no effort to make any of these characters cute which is definitely a bonus in this series. The animation in this series is done really well. The animation is smooth and really easy to follow.

Rating: 6


All the music in this series especially the songs by Maaya Sakamoto is simply gorgeous. This is probably the only redeeming feature of this anime, the OST must be a classic. The dubbing is actually quite brilliant and the voices chosen for each character are superb. In particular Juna’s voice definitely fits her character and is so calm and that you can really identify with any emotions expressed. There is a dubbing surprise in one of the two last episodes where scenes from the first episode were snatched and redubbed to give the scenes and the story a needed twist in understanding the ‘moral’ of the story, really surprising and well done.

Rating: 9


I was enticed into buying this series by the trailer which featured most of the first episode, and more importantly a beautiful song.

Arjuna caught my attention with the words �…One hot summer day I died…� and held it for around 3 episodes (the first and the last two). But the story and series degenerated after the first episode into a rant on the dangers of mass produced foods, imported products and industrialism. Perhaps the writers and producers of the anime could save the environment more effectively by not wasting the DVD’s and boxes on this anime.

If you watched the first two and last two episodes you’d still get the main story without being lectured and bored to death (13 episodes-4 episodes = 9 excess and boring episodes).

I apologise to anyone who can not understand this reference but this series has always struck me as ‘Captain Planet on drugs’ which drug you can decide, but even if you can’t understand this reference, to be compared to an educational eco-friendly children’s animation on a drug binge isn’t a compliment.

Lastly recommendations for Arjuna, Earth Maiden Arjuna or Earth Girl Arjuna or whatever you know it by. I don’t recommend that anyone watch this series, but if you really just have to, borrow it, don’t waste your money! Or simply download or buy the Original Sound Track (OST), which in my opinion is the best part of this anime.

Rating: 5

Final Verdict

5.5000 (average)

Reviewed by tishdon, Mar 27, 2005


  1. LucyXlostangelwings Mar 27, 2005

    I saw that trailer you were talking about, and felt compelled to watch it one day. Although you say it is boring, I feel that this is one of the best animes that expresses the true environmental issues of the world. I also do think the songs are good. I heard the one in the trailer and thought that it was very beautiful. Thanks for this helpful review. ^_^

  2. kalicodreamz Mar 29, 2005

    i actually own, and very much enjoyed the series. i didn't think there were any boring episodes at all. the whole series showed, very realisticly how a real girl would react being thrown into a situation like that. how WE would react to being thrown into a situation like that and how everything is misundertood, and how we misunderstand.
    yeah, it reminded me of captain planet, and i even use it as a refrence. besides, there was nothing wrong with captain planet. i personally think they took things too lightly. arjuna shows it in a much harsher more realistic way
    i think it addresses the environment issues very well, without shoving your face in them. i think people just don't get the message when they see the series, or just don't care.

  3. Leosam096 May 03, 2006

    rating the story and characters below average is not very deserving to the anime.

  4. Lohitaksh Nov 20, 2008

    i havent seen this anime but looking at the mixed response of the above
    shall be careful before swithing in to it
    neways thnxx for the reviews guyss
    they really help in figuring out which animes to b watched and which not

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