
pheniox87's Martian Successor Nadesico Tv Review

Martian Successor Nadesico

Martian Successor Nadesico tv Review

Story & Characters

The series starts of with a structure called a tulip falling down towards Mars and on top of a martian colony where the main character, Akito, lived up to about the age of 18 - 20. Soon after the tulip fell the colony was destroyied and the young hero was taken to earth somehow (he does not know how he got to earth), then the scene shifts to about a year or two later where he makes a living as a cook. Unfortunatly he has a deadly fear of the aliens (known as the Jovian lizards) that toke over Mars and soon he gets fired. But while riding around on his bike he is hit by a suitcase belonging to the main girl of the series named Kurica. this girl is a complete idiot when it comes to everything except battle tactics. Anyways after getting her suitcase back in to the car her and her friend whos name is Jun to me right now drive away. While getting up Akito notices a picture and upon closer inspection he realizes that the girl is an old friend of his from when he was a kid back on mars and left when he was about ten. After some persuation he is able to gain acess to the girl by becoming a cook on a spaceship called the Nadescio, that is privatly owned by Nergal,while looking around he finds himself in the hangar where he is ordered to relocate a a robot and is then forced to act as a decoy while the ship took off. Well he feinds them off and finally has a moment to talk to the girl who is oddly enough the captain of the Nadesico. And that was just the first episode
The next few episodes revolve around Akito and his suppressed passion for Kurica and his love for Megumi, the communications officer. And before i forget the ship got 3 new female pilots that are as good in a cockpit as they are insane.
The Nadesico as you might expect is heading for Mars to rescue the survivors of the Jovian attack. What they find is an armata of Jovian ships that almost destroy them. the 8th episode shows them going into a tulip and coming out in the middle of a battle 8 months later. Where Nergal has started making powerful ships for the military and thus they are basically put on suicide missions as punishment for leaving Earth w/out permission to do so.

Rating: 7


To put it simply the drawing it kind of like Gundam Seed with the lightened colors and the mech fights. even the mechs remind me of mechs used by the bad guys in the gundam series. But all in all the animations are great and the fight scenes are thoghtout and drawn to a state of splendor. Its not the most realistic looking like GITS or Samurai Champloo but that does not mean that it isn't just as good. the paritcle effects when firing the gravity cannon is amzing and they show us how big and powerful it is by zooming out and showing us the mass destruction that it causes.

Rating: 6


The sound is an ify, at times it can be pain because it seems like they put it on mute and then something loud will happen and the volume will be normal again. this happens during the long emotional scenes that take place. The music is only noticeable when the is an intense battle going on or a love scene, but its basic and for the most part not worth listening to, although the opening is short it at least desent and the closing is long and is pretty desent as well. My overall opinion is that the creator did not base the series on music to enhance the mood and that is a good idea.

Rating: 4


In terms of originality this is far from it but the humor makes up for it by quickly changing the mood from normal to just plain strange. For ex: in the first episode when they first introduce Kurica she is dressing into her uniform and in an attempt to hurry her up her father and Jun walk in and get slaped (not to strange right), afterwords her father makes the comment of how developed she was and he does this throughout the series. And it can also go from serious to halarious. Such as when Megumi warns Kurica to stay away from akito and Kurica somehow misinterpretes it to mean that they will be sucessful in their mission. All of this can happen in the blink of an eye and that adds to the funnyness. So far I have enjoyed watching the series over and over again and can't wait to buy the next volume and the fact that i am going to actually buy it insteed of downloading it using a program that I shall leave nameless says a lot because i lve this anime that much. Well that is all I can think of for now, I will add to the story after I see the second volume in a few weeks.

Rating: 9

Final Verdict

7.0000 (above average)

Reviewed by pheniox87, Feb 24, 2005


  1. gatts Feb 26, 2005

    This is just my comments on the review, please do not take it personally.

    First and foremost, I think we need to make clarifications on your story which are the following:
    (1) Akito is mostly annoyed at Yurika and Megumi. It MAY be true that Akito probably has a suppressed feeling for Yurika at the start of the series, but for Megumi, it's mostly a one-sided affair. He would most rather watch Gekiganger, than to even notice the two of them.
    (2) The 3 new pilots are actually part of Nadesico's manifest... and so are their Aestivalis.
    (3) They weren't sent into suicide missions as punishment for leaving the Earth without permission. In fact, they really weren't punished at all... evidently since the Nadesico is part of the Nergal company, and they have actually made amends with the military. Punishing the Nadesico crew would be violation of their military contracts. And in regards to the suicide missions, they were sent as back-up to insignificant battles... hardly suicide.

    That said, let's go the technical aspects... you shouldn't compare Nadesico (1996) with Gundam Seed (2002) and Samurai Champloo (2004) as these are both newer... unless you would be referring to the Nadesico Prince of Darkness Movie. The technology used in Gundam Seeed and Samurai Champloo were expensive at that time.

    I would have to agree with you on the sound aspect of the dialogues... but then again, maybe Akito and Yurika's voices were really supposed to be irritatingly loud.

    The musical score on the other hand is a different story. I actually have all the OSTs for Nadesico, and I find them appropriate for the anime and they were terrific. Having two different kinds of anime soundtrack (one for Nadesico, and one for Gekiganger) on one anime is a blast. What better way to enhance the mood of the series than to have Gekiganger 3 Theme music so appropriately tuned to the 70s-80s mecha series? And the Nadesico music ain't so bad either.

    I don't think originality should be a problem... after all Nadesico is a parody of a lot of anime... from the 70's mecha (Voltes V, Mazinger-Z), to Macross (Robotech), and even closely venturing to Evangelion. It's supposed to have a lot of borrowed ideas twisted to make it more fun and enjoyable.

    I think that it's in Yurika's character to be just overly dense about relationships, and still be a tactical genius... so you're right about that.

  2. crovmon Feb 26, 2005

    It might be me, but I was under the impression that she was called Yurika, as opposed to Kirika or Kurica.

    On another sidenote, I might not be an expert on reviews, but you do seem to be awfully detailed about the 1st episode, rather than giving a more general synopsis.

    I'd prolly be able to criticize a lot more, but I'd feel hypocritical doing so as Ive never written a review myself.

    Gotta agree with gatts that the soundtrack IS quite interesting, though Ive hear others who detest it, so I guess that means it is a matter of taste/controversial, which probably is not far from what the creators intended. At least I wouldn't give it 4/10 which is kinda harsh, the music might not have been applied in a conventional way, but I still daresay that the effect was there.

  3. gatts Feb 27, 2005

    Crovmon... you're right about the name... Kirika is the Japanese girl in Noir is it not? I guess I was thrown off by the name Kurica... and thus got the name Kirika... but there, I edited the post to reflect the name change.

  4. coldblood Feb 27, 2005

    great review, but i doubte you have to go into such detail of it... it really isn't that of a necessity.

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