
SeijakuF's Azumanga Daioh Tv Review

Azumanga Daioh

Azumanga Daioh tv Review

Azumanga Daioh is a slice of life anime that follows six friends throughout their three years of high school. There is no overarching plot other than following the experiences of these six characters through high school; however, Azumanga Daioh still succeeds on its strong cast of characters and their interactions. The main characters are all female, and the friends - and their teachers - get into some very interesting and hilarious situations. They are: Tomo, the energetic one with no self control, Yomi, Tomo's... "friend" through all their school years, Chiyo, the 10 year old genius, Osaka, the airhead, Sakaki, the tall, athletic and shy one with a thing for cats, and Kagura, the athlete and self-proclaimed rival of Sakaki.

Credits: destati

Story & Characters

Azumanga Daioh is a "slice of life"-kind of series. It focuses on a group of high-school girls and their daily lives. While the story itself is lacking, the anime isn't bothered by it one bit. The main focus here are the girls and their relationship. It's a laid-back show with a lot of humor- just not the kind of slapstick you were maybe expecting.

The girls themselves are the usual bunch; an intelligent one (with glasses of course), a sporty one, an admired one, a tomboy...but then there's the child prodigy and the slowpoke. And their teachers; one has anger management problems and other is a pervert. Interested now?

While Yomi, Chiyo, Tomo, Sakaki, Osaka or Kagura have neither superpowers or important tasks like saving the world, their relationship and its growth are worth watching. This show is for the lazy days when you have nothing to do. Even if it's genre is overpopular, I would recommend this one over the others.

Ps. When compared to the manga, Azumanga Daioh is very close to it (stories, designs and so on). I'm actually surprised that the anime was kept like this, close to original. A good example of "if it's not broken, don't try to fix it".

Rating: 8


The art is strong with thick lines and good colours. It has a realistic touch to it; not everything is bright and most of the girls have a common type of hair, skin etc. It fits series like this perfectly, it doesn't draw the attention away from the main theme.
One thing that bothers me are the oversized boobs almost everyone seems to have. A little realism here too, please?? A slim Japanese high-schooler does not have D-cups as a default. Also, most of the girls considerated not to be important to the main group , are drawn as wallflowers with very little (if at all) distinguishable features (and with tiny boobs).

Rating: 8


The music is lazy like the show and there is not a lot of different bgm. Funny but it doesn't matter; it just fits so well. The opening theme "Soramimi Cake" is funny and entertaining. The ending is maybe even better; "Raspberry Heaven" is a song full of no worries-attitude and a dream-like animation. The singers are good, different. Everything is balanced and Azumanga Daioh feels like home when you've seen a few episodes- you can count on the familiar songs to pop up at certain moments.

Rating: 9


As said before, this show brings very little new to the genre. However, it makes a good use of the one-shot theme and manages to build a strong line it follows- even when there's no clear "goal" in the episodes. The episodes are different from each other but there is a lot of repetitive stuff; the girls spend their time mostly at school. Towards the end we get to see more deeper relationships and even some new settings but sometimes I feel like there should be more places to spend freetime than Chiyo's gorgeous home (or summerhouse). My favourite episodes are in the end when emotions are shown more freely and conversations get deeper. The humor never disappears though and it makes me smile in every episode.

Azumanga Daioh is worth of its reputation, it's just not the kind of show you would expect. I believe that this one is a love it or hate it-issue; if you can't stand lazy one-shots as a serie, then Azumanga Daioh is not for you. I however enjoyed it and would recommend it to the fans of slow-paced school anime.

Rating: 8

Final Verdict

8.1667 (good)

Reviewed by SeijakuF, Aug 26, 2008


  1. davidh01 Aug 27, 2008

    One important thing to edit here: your formatting. BBCode on Minitokyo does not like "smart quotes". It appears you've used an external editor (e.g. Microsoft Word) and then copied-and-pasted your submission. Please take the time to check your content once you've submitted it. Make use of the "Edit Review" feature under the "Writer Options" section to go back and alter your content on-line.

    You've made some good points here, and I agree with most of them from my experience of watching and reading Azumanga Daioh. However, I'd suggest that you try to come up with some additional commentary to help justify your scoring (and check the FAQ for the hints on allocating scores) as the comments are a bit "light on" in that respect.

    ADDITIONAL 30/08/2008: I'm actually referring to examples like this in your text: \\\\\\\"Raspberry Heaven\\\\\\\". This is a symptom of a formatting problem often caused by "smart quotes" that do not reproduce accurately in BBCode (and has occurred to other reviews submitted, including mine). This issue does not occur in your other reviews so your response to my original comment doesn't hold water. Please take the time to edit your review and redress this issue.

  2. SeijakuF Aug 28, 2008

    I haven't used anything, thank you very much. Every time I tried to submit my review I got a message about having too little letters. So pretty much every review has those weird marks because I had no idea how much text I was typing...

  3. angelxxuan Banned Member Sep 17, 2008

    I still think it was a pretty good review, I didn't care much for the anime it was too "girly" but mt is pretty skittish sometimes on such things as reviews, but you got it posted all the same ^_^

  4. toong Nov 02, 2008

    I think it was a good review, i liked it's story although it's girly

  5. NFFly Nov 05, 2008

    I agree with most of your points, but i wouldn't give so much to the Art, although it helps with the comedy main theme. Its far too simple, but mainly because of the over use of close ups, "static comedy", funny wierd faces, etc...

  6. chumbariwap123 Apr 24, 2009

    i really afree to this, the art really is not the be acquainted with.

  7. ResonantSoul Jul 23, 2009

    isn't it kinda lucky starish?

  8. SchRita Aug 23, 2009

    Thanks for the review!

  9. nainoi Sep 12, 2009

    osaka cute. ^^

  10. SchRita Oct 31, 2009

    Thanks for the review!

  11. animalandia Nov 14, 2009

    mas o menos no me quedo clara de que trata

  12. Baraka-Senpai Jul 05, 2011


  13. amarant42 Mar 04, 2013


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