Louise is a second year student at a magic academy where those who can’t use magic are look down on. The only problem is she's the worst at using magic out of her whole class; which earns her the nickname "Louise the Zero" by her classmates. Louise is determined to prove herself by summoning a strong familiar to be her protector and partner. What she ends up summoning is a human named Saito Hiraga. Left with no choice, Louise has to accept him. Together they face many mysteries and challenges as their relationship develops over time.
Credit: MisaSasekage
Story & Characters
When my friend first introduced me to anime, i took to it immediately and thanx to her i now have a collection of six
animes. Anyway, when i first heard from my friend about Zero no Tsukaima, i was very interested because the storyline
had sounded really unique, one that i have never heard or thought of. Frankly this review is gonna be pretty biased
because i simply love this anime.
Basically, Zero no Tsukaima set in a world that is alternate to ours in which it is a world of magic where mages and
mythical creatures exist. The story's main setting is a magical academy where students train and learn to become
mages. Every student have their own element which are earth, water, fire and wind. The main character and heroine is a
cute pink-haired arrogant Noble (which means people who can use magic) called Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière
who has no talent for magic and keeps blowing things up and is therefore, called Louise the Zero.
Anyway, one day, when it is time for the summoning of the familiars (who stay with you forever), Louise summons a
seemingly Commoner (which basically means people who don't have or can't use magic) boy called Saito from our
world in Japan.
At first, Louise treats Saito as a slave but their relationship slowly develops between master and servant and in the
process, we get to learn a bit about the other characters.
I especially love the various humorous twists and embarassing situations which make this a very enjoyable anime indeed.
Rating: 10
I think that the artwork was really well balanced out with the characters looking attractive or ugly in their own unique
way. I especially liked Louise's appearance/character design. You gotta admit that she's not easy to forget
once you see her with her signature light pink hair and pink eyes. I thought that the main characters really stood out
because of the hair colours. The random students you see would have normal coloured hair while characters like Louise
and Kirche, Tabitha and Guiche have brightly coloured hair which stand out a lot and it's very easy to spot them.
On the other hand, the background is really brightly coloured and suited the genre perfectly showing us how magical the
world is and the colours are really vibrant. Although the background is not as spectacular as in Princess Mononoke, i
really think that you should watch it if you like a well balanced anime full of colours. I gotta say, though, the guys
in this anime were all pretty average looking except for Saito, Ward, Guiche and the Prince of Albion.
Rating: 9
I think that the opening and closing theme songs and i thought that it suited the anime perfectly. Especially the
opening song which really catches your attention and gets you into the right mood. The music really played a big part in
capturing the audiences attention and the mood of the anime. Seriously, people, i can't imagine what it's like
to watch a movie or anime that has no sound. Sound really plays a big part in animes and if the music and voice acting
weren't good, then the anime is condemned to be pretty crap.
As for the voice acting, i thought all the voices really showed us the personlaity of the character. Especially Louise
who manages to sound cute and haughty at the same time. While Saito sounded like a very intelligent guy but not like a
nerd at all. Saito is very common sensical and the voice acting only proved that. I simply loved Tabitha's voice.
Her voice was so quiet and calm yet so expressionless that you know immediately what kind of person she is. As for
Kirche, well you could say that you cannot find any sexier and seductive voice than that though to tell the truth, i
don't like her because generally i don't like girls (or guys for that matter) who sleep around (for it is very
heavily implied) and flirt their way into getting what they wanted. Guiche sounded exactly like what he is - a conceited
playboy (and a massive one at that) ^_-.
Rating: 10
Overall, i thought the anime was just fantastic! Although i don't totally et the point... but whatever... As i said
before, the humourous twists and situations were simply hilarious and really makes the audience empathise with the main
characters. There are some gross bits related to Kirche with Saito (i covered my eyes at those parts) but as they say,
alls well that ends well.
So.. if you like a good laugh combined magic (i definately do), cute girls and romance, this is the anime for you. ^-^.
Believe me this is really worth watching and i can't wait till the second season comes out! If you are planning to
watch this i'll say one thing: Enjoy!
Rating: 10
Final Verdict
9.8333 (excellent)
Reviewed by syeung321, Mar 02, 2007