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Rosegirl18's School Rumble Tv Review

Rated: 8

What I just loved about School Rumble was that the story was so vague (he likes her, she likes another guy) so that it allowed space for randomly funny events. The humor in School Rumble is, at times, very random, and the producers are able to make it work. Other than the comedy, the series are able to express teenage frustration at love that seems to go nowhere, and make it into exaggerated acts that start in comedy, and end in comedy.
The anime is also able to touch upon warm themes, of friendship and loyalty, as well as kindness and the willingness to help. School Rumble isn't the best anime I have seen, but certainly amongst my most favorite ones. Never will it let you be sad or down, and you will always find yourself loving the characters.

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Yieloon's School Rumble Tv Review

Rated: 9

I gotta to the humor 10/10. This is the funniest show I have watch since azumanga daioh. There is just so many pun and 1liner joke that will sent you to a big laugh.

Usually in a love comedy, we roughly know who is gonna end up with who. But here, it was a love triangle at the start, then Yakumo and Eri enter it and it become a love-hexagon.

Romantic high school comedy are done to death before. But school rumble presentation and wacky idea are so refreshing that I cant help praising it. And the parody are so funny, there are parody from initial d to matrix.

The enjoyability is 10/10 too. This is the only 2nd anime where I have watch twice after Azumanga Daioh. When your down and need something to cheer you up, this is the right anime to watch.

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Hikago's School Rumble Tv Review

Rated: 8

Many parts of School Rumble are zany and hilarious, with a couple of scenes poking fun at other animes... (any Initial D fan out there will be treated to a good laugh). Overall, its very original, and whenever the anime borrows from others, its to get a laugh or develop it into a comic situation. There are always 3 parts to a show, but sometimes they flow seamlessly into each other, or occasionally, one part will take up half the show, and the other 2 parts manage to squeeze their story into a brief 10 minutes.

The anime also takes some parts directly from the manga, literally! With exactly the same image, only coloured.

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