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Saiyukifan's Saiyuki Tv Review


Rated: 8

Humor!!! It has plenty of humor! Originality? Puh-lease! It is so original that it wants to make you jump and shout the whole day! It is original, why? Because it has humor, action and drama all in one show! Mostly humor and action but the drama follows. Either the drama is the character's past, present or emotions. The humor? It is when Goku and Gojyo fight, when Sanzo doesn't understand a joke, when Hakkai makes a joke that isn't really funny... It makes you think that they are real people only drawn to be watched. Their personalities are really human, except for that "fighting the demons" stuff. Action has the most scenes, I think. Because they have to have this journey, remember? And in every journey, there is danger in it's path.Everything is perfect. It is really original.

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Ariane-chan's Saiyuki Tv Review


Rated: 7

Lots of humour here. One of the excerpts that I liked...(bear in mind that Goku is a greedy pig who loves food, as he had been imprisoned in a cave for 500 years!)

//Sanzo: Hakkai, don't forget to buy me some cigarettes, I'm running out of them. *whips out a credit card* And although it's the Three Buddhas' Bank card, please don't listen to Goku and buy him food...//

Very modernized - a monk who smokes and monks + demons using credit cards?? Hahaha.

Plus, it is sometimes entertaining to watch Sanzo threaten the two (Goku and Gojyo) when they get into their usual "stupid monkey" and "water monster" insulting sessions.

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Mbgrobanite's Saiyuki Tv Review


Rated: 9

The presentation is wonderful, the humor will often leave you rolling in your seat. As for the originality, well, do you see anyone else with Chinese tales modernised?

It is very enjoyable to watch, sometimes just for the humour when the characters take a break from major plot parts.

I am unsure of the game though, as I have not yet played it but will attempt to get hold of it soon and review ASAP.

What you may find interesting through is the fact that the world of Saiyuki is a mix of old world and new with guns and jeeps as well as towns that seem to come from hundreds of years before. The originality of the jeep though is definite, no other anime I know has adorable white dragons morphing into vehicles.

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