SnickerdoodleNinja's Romeo x Juliet Tv Review
One of the major concerns that I personally have when I pick up romances is the concern that the series will become so in love with its main couple that it loses sight of all of its supporting characters. Considering both the title and play of origin, this was also a major concern of mine for Romeo x Juliet. However, RxJ proved me wrong, giving ample attention to a fairly large cast, whether it be the adorkable Romeo, the brooding, Batman-like Tybalt or even the comic playwright Will.
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Weskalia's Romeo x Juliet Tv Review
This anime is currently placed number two on the only three Gonzo's shows that I find deep, profound, creative and extraordinary (the other two being Welcome to the N.H.K.! and Gankutsuou). The letter "x" here may has its own significance, while "x" sometimes means "kiss," making Romeo and Juliet's love scenes so touching yet so depressing.
Whether or not Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet stands amongst the best of all of love stories has been much-debated over the course of time, but it is unquestionably one of the greatest and best-known. It may sound biased, but this is come from a Japanese who has never been able to see the play (only read the summary on Wikipedia and some sources), but I prefer this anime over the original.
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