Rosegirl18's Princess Tutu Tv Review

Some anime start out good, and end badly. Some anime start badly, and become amazing.
Princess Tutu is neither. It's wonderful from the very beginning - and wonderful at the very end. The characters
are amazing, the plot is amazing, the art is amazing, the sound is amazing.
Except for the very small faults that I have mentioned above, it is an unbelievably fantastic, enjoyable anime.
It's not for kids. It's for people who know how to think, to be intrigued by the countless relationships that
each character develops with each other.
It is a lovely medly of music, dance, and art. What else can I say? While I watched this, I laughed, cried, screamed,
and got mad. I appplauded the director for the most multi-level and well-wrapped ending I have ever seen for an anime.
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NotAJellyfish's Princess Tutu Tv Review

Overall, the series is highly enjoyable. It's funny, heartwarming, and at times heart wrenching. The characters make you fall in love with them and care about them until the very end. Although I have heard many people upset with the ending of the series, I even thought the ending was as it should be. The main idea that we control our own destinies comes through loud and clear, in a very enjoyable manner. It's worth re-watching for the fun and love of the series. And also for the beautiful ballet.
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Bellaboo's Princess Tutu Tv Review

One more issue I have with the series is that it doesn't have a high rewatchability value. I think twice is the most you can really get out of the series. Once, for the initial OOOMPH!, and twice, to pick up the extra details and to appreciate the construction of the story. That aside, there aren't really any hidden layers or issues. This isn't the Simpson's, which is designed to reward the viewer who watches an episode multiple times.
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