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Pheniox87's Martian Successor Nadesico Tv Review

Martian Successor Nadesico

Rated: 7

In terms of originality this is far from it but the humor makes up for it by quickly changing the mood from normal to just plain strange. For ex: in the first episode when they first introduce Kurica she is dressing into her uniform and in an attempt to hurry her up her father and Jun walk in and get slaped (not to strange right), afterwords her father makes the comment of how developed she was and he does this throughout the series. And it can also go from serious to halarious. Such as when Megumi warns Kurica to stay away from akito and Kurica somehow misinterpretes it to mean that they will be sucessful in their mission. All of this can happen in the blink of an eye and that adds to the funnyness.

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