Yuri1313's Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
Code Geass is an anime that I recommend all the way. Anyone can get into it. It's very touching and remarkable. It's not my favorite anime, by far, but it's up there. Please watch.
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Janny-Cats' Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
The anime has a predominantly serious tone throughout the episodes, but there is still humor, most of it hinting at Lelouch's weak physical abilities or popularity among the girls at the Academy. The character often falls and struggles to outrun a classmate, or is accidentally set to go on a ridiculous amount of dates in one day. Even getting used to his new Geass power is sometimes played to a comedic effect.
I find it really hard to critique the anime since it has done a great job at presenting a great story with the means available. I thoroughly enjoyed the anime and I'm rather sure that I'm alone when I say that I loved the ending.
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Shoujoboy's Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
Code Geass is another one of those shows that has an almost ravenous following. After season 1, I kind of understood that. It was a borderline brilliant anime that was only missing a few elements to make it a masterpiece. But after season 2, I honestly wonder if it gained more of a following just because of the Lelouch and CC obsession instead of the plot it was trying to pull off. I expected at any moment that this show would just knock my socks off and make me shiver with excitement once again, but instead I found myself counting down the episodes until it was all over. Some may argue that the ending brought the whole thing together, but there's only one problem with that; I saw the whole thing coming about 5 episodes before.
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LuluAddict's Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
Code Geass is not a humor. Yet the story line is still very enjoyable. There were parts I laughed and smiled. There were parts I cried, parts were I screamed, and parts were I felt the pain of the characters. All those parts were what made up the anime. it was very wonderful! It kept me watching! very addicting in that sense is you will.
The whole presentation of the anime was outstanding. At first you think that Lelouch is just another teenager in a another stupid action filled anime. but it's so much more then that. This is one of the very first anime I have seen that goes by strategies and tells you the logic behind them. Yet it can still entertain the action lovers with the intense battle moments performed by the mechas called Knightmares.
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Weissdarkangel's Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
This anime is AWESOME!!! I love it! The end really stuck with me. It's seriously the best ending I've seen of any anime my whole entire life. Plot twist and backstabbing keep you at the edge of your seat just begging for more. The hentai stuff, I don't mind, it's just for the guys... and a little for girls... Comedy is just filler episode and there's action throughout the whole thing. Love--of course--play a HUGE part in this too.
I've seriously never been caught off by anime before. They're usually predictable these days.
I love the story, I love the characters, I love the music (just the insert and FLOW), and I love the ending.
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Shoujoboy's Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
It almost pains me to hit a mere '8' as the presentation score. I enjoyed every last minute of the show and was probably more engrossed in it than I have been in anything for a long time. Fantastic story with characters to love, hate and admire. Attractive animation and paired with perfect voice acting. All this and more made Code Geass once hell of an anime to watch. But it went for the half court shot at the buzzer and missed big time. The ending fell flat and instead of leaving me wanting more, left me enraged that they could do something like this. You are supposed to tickle the viewers fancy for future adventures of your favorite characters, not pull the rug out from underneath them and laugh.
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Lariel's Lelouch of the Rebellion Tv Review
Humor is not very present in Code Geass as it more focused upon battle scenes, but somehow, everything within Code Geass fits in place- piece of puzzles to form a picture. Code Geass leaves its viewers wondering and pondering about its climax, a trait which is much appreciate, considering the sad fact that most animes do not contain any longer. Code Geass was certainly enjoyable. Certain parts drove me annoyed and sometimes disgusted when I re-watched it, such as the whining of Shirley and a scene with Nina Einstein which I would not like to describe, but I would give the presentation a well deserved '8'.
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