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Lariel's Kiniro no Corda Tv Review

Kiniro no Corda

Rated: 6

Let's say I've wasted three days finishing Kiniro No Corda, which certainly dragged on like a snail. Eventually I decided to grade this a "it was fun while it lasted, but I am never going to watch this again. No, good sire. Not even to drool over Len Tsukimori and his genius skills with the violin."

For the society members out there who enjoy harem shows, I would definitely recommend Kiniro no Corda. Ignore my blasted insults above and go ahead. You might think differently. For you guys who are values sensibility and practicality out there, hear my advice: head straight for the manga and never the anime. Even better, don't touch anything related to the series, with the OSTs as an exception. For some absurd reason, this series was extremely draining. Not out of pure suspense, see.

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