Kyosuke's King of Fighters Tv Review
-KOF94-95: 3vs3 Team battles, with a gameplay more simple than other SNK titles, with the incursion of a lot of characters from FF and AOF. Though the system felt weird in the beginning, it was fun and easy to play (though the Desperation Moves are hard to execute).
-KOF96-98: still using the Team battle system, but now with a lot of changes that made the gameplay faster and more aggressive (short jumps, rolls, Super Desperation Moves, different modes (ADV and EXTRA), etc). IMO the best "age" of the saga.
-KOF99-2k1: now you have a 4 members Team system, and the addition of the Strikers. Being 2k a big exception, this was the worst KOF "age", because of the balance issues, some bad-implemented sub-systems (Counter and Armor), etc.
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DNG's King of Fighters Tv Review
I find the game quite original though you will find those who bad mouth it saying "it's just a copy of Street Fighter". In my opinion Street Fighter does not compare with the creative styles and mad combinations of the characters in King Of Fighters. KOF was likely influenced by Street Fighter though. The way some characters interact at the begining of a fight can tell you a lot about the rivalry between characters and teams even if you don't understand Japanese. They sometimes bow if fighting their Master, try using a sneak attack, or bad mouthing an enamy before the match, or blow kisses to a good looking character. The game is quite difficult when it comes to the bosses or certain characters that always avoid your best attack but this gives you a good challenge.
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