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AnimeBubble's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 8

I think with everything else reviewed, I gave out a pretty good idea on what I think about the presentation and show, in general. So just to sum it up:
-The show is enjoyable, but the long arcs and fillers can get tiring- it becomes a must-see when it follows well the manga storylines and gets to the serious stuff. The romance is to die for- You'll find yourself debating ships without realizing it.
-The concept of the story is well put, even if sometimes you kind of forget what's it really about due the laid-back-ness that some breather episodes tend to have.
-The humor is okay- not to burst out laughing, not to stay there with a blank face. The comedid timing is pretty good, even if it's repetitive.

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ARdNeK's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 10

Humor and action are always neck and neck in this show, and some things are very unexpected. This is good to keep you on the edge of your seat and continue watching.

But humor and action aren't the only things in this show that make it good. Deep emotion is expressed as well, what with InuYasha and Kikyo's love affair from 50 years ago. And how Kagome constantly battles her own emotions for InuYasha and how she feels with Kikyo nagging her brain. And every once in a while they'll come across someone like the guy from The Toad Who Would Be Prince who is in love with someone else that they half to help. A similar situation ties in with the Naginata of Kenkon story.

All in all, InuYasha is my favorite anime and the only one I never miss.

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Aoshi101's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 7

Overall the presentation of the series wasn't all that great. Come on now, 167 episodes and it STILL doesn't end. It was bad enough that it was 167 episodes. Not to mention that half of those episodes were fillers. It was horrible. I couldn't stand watching them, especially the ones about Shippo. He was the most annoying of all. The morals and values, though, were clearly stated so I wasn't confused at all, one point for this series. The humor really didn't get old for me because I enjoyed seeing Miroku get smacked or Inuyasha being told to sit. It was enjoyable because they still managed to find unique ways to pull it off.Hats off to the writer(s). Another point to the anime...oh my god that makes 2.

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Kyuriko's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 8

I adore any anime series that has the capability to use more than one genre. In fact, I'm often bored when a series is only 'action' or 'romance'... you name it. But Inuyasha has so many genres underneath the general action/fantasy/romance category that it falls under, and I believe that that is why it has such a large audience. Like romance? Inuyasha's got it. Like action? Inuyasha's got it. Like comedy? Inuyasha's got it. As far as genres go, it has nearly everything - right down to tragedy and suspense.

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Kougasgirl's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 7

The reviewable factors are awsome, i find that the inuyasha series has humor, originality, and is enjoyable to watch. some of the humor is when kagome sit's inuyasha or when sango slaps miroku, it is original because it has a little bit of everything romance,humor,sad,happy,fun,adventure etc...

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Kawaiiguy's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 6

Unfortunately, like many long-running manga adaptations, Inuyasha suffered from a story that hasn't ended yet. The manga is still being published, but the series has come to an end. In all honesty, I started to lose interest in the series when it crossed the 100 episode mark. Now, this isn't to say that Inuyasha didn't catch my attention when I first saw it. I watched the first 60 or so episodes in about two weeks. My schoolwork suffered slightly during that time. However, it came to the point where the series started to drag on without any end in sight. I still stuck with the series, but no longer felt the same desire to see the next episode. The cliffhangers didn't capture my attention as in the past.

As a long time fan, I recognize a good series when I see it.

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Starfiremoon's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 8

The humor in it works out just fine..........the romance is heart warming...........its definately an original to me...............I enjoy watching it definately............its easy to see this is a really good anime..........I wouldn't want to change any of it..........though if I had to choose I could fix some of the graphics..........and probably a song or two.........other than that its great........I love to watch it........there is just something about its presentation that draws viewers to it........personally I think its its humor and its just free handed willingness to bring us to it............the story its self is enough to draw attention..........between the action.........and other things it great.........the presentation is just fine.........of course nothing is perfect......

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Bleachluv's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 3

presentation? oh man.... terrible! I suppose it's originalty is ok and the series has some humor buty everything they does is soooooo shallow. In the last episode I watched the main characters were in danger of dieing and I wasn't even upset... I mean wtf is that? I don't enjoy watching it.... I don't even know why I do..... *sigh* I can't stress how shallow this series is.... and with 200 episodes.... It gets almost painful to watch.... It's still good to start on, just don't overdo it. It has humor, romance, action etc. but it's not deep. The series just don't have the ability to drag you in. I mean... the main character(Inuyasha) learns his sword's "greatest technic' like 4 or 5 times..... This series really really had potential but they really didn't do a good job... 200 episodes....

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EXPECT's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 8

Inuyasha is a show for all you people who love thrillers and historic fiction. Its a blood pumping show that has fights, romance, name calling, sarcasm and all around fun.

Its about a 15 year old girl(kagoume) who falls in a well that is a time portal to fudal Japan. There she meets Inuyasha (who is a half dog demon), Songo (a demon killer), Meroku(a monk) and Shippo(a fox demon). They go to find shards of the shikon jewel (the shikon no tama). If this jewel (or even shards) falls in the wrong hands (which it often does)it means disaster.
Inuyasha, like the great majority of the series has its sound track composed byone of the most famous composers of Japan Kaoru Wada.
In it animates ost are 3 and 4 by each existing film.

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Urufudo's Inuyasha Tv Review


Rated: 8

While Inuyasha shares many of the formulatic aspects that make up a Takahashi series, I believe it's her more original series. I found that her other series (specifically Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku) didn't have any on-going story outside the characters interacting with each other. Inuyasha breaks out of this routine by having a plot that goes beyond the characters and their relationships. Not only can Inuyasha be serious, it can be light-hearted and fun with many humerous moments. I've had a lot of fun watching through the series and I soon found myself feeling as if I was part of Kagome and Inuyasha's gang.

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