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Cagalli88's Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Tv Review

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de

Rated: 7

Hm, originality...I am not sure about this becasue Fushigi Yuugi published the manga about this waaay before Harutoki. Furthermore, Yuu Watase spent alot of time researching on the Chinese Legend so maybe Harutoki lacked originality as it comes from a game- turned- anime. Being a fan of Fushigi Yuugi, i have alot to complain about this anime. But, as an anime fan, i watch many series of different perspectives and Harutoki has that 'other perspective' so it IS worth the watch.

However, it is enjoyable to watch because you can FEAST on the cuute guys and oggle at them. Be awed by their fighting skills and the dedication and sacrificed they made for their beloved Priestess.

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