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BossMac's Great Teacher Onizuka Tv Review

Rated: 8

I've seen this show like 4 times and in my humble opinion, I've enjoyed it every time. Ignoring the horrors of the non-original dubs, this show certainly makes you want to see it over again. I'm not sure... maybe its just the great story, the non-stop comedy, or the drama... GTO really pulls you in with its bringings and makes you want more.

Some might not be turned on by Onizuka's antics. They say its too childish, tasteless and such. If Onizuka heard that, he'd plant those people on their heads. Yeah Onizuka likes to do the Middle Finger Salute frequently, get drunk, and then peep on girls, but that's just him. Its his character. And that makes him original. And I clearly believed that'd stray away from the main plot of the show.

Ok that wraps it up for this one.

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Odeena's Great Teacher Onizuka Tv Review

Rated: 8

There may be viewers who would feel offended by certain explicit situations depicted in this anime (like Onizuka peeping at the panties of high school girls, for instance). There may be other viewers who would dismiss this show as being either too childish, too fast-paced or downright stupid. But in my humble view, Great Teacher Onizuka is an excellent piece due to its outrageous, but brilliant humor (sometimes I found myself laughing so hard I had to pause the episode and take a break before I could go on watching), its excellent acting and, last but not least, its intricate plot. Watch the series if you have the chance. You won't regret it.

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Destructivemidgets' Great Teacher Onizuka Tv Review

Rated: 8

The humor is outstanding (keeping in mind that this is catorized under humor) and I found myself laughing through the whole show. I love the way they portray his character and he is totally funny how he says things. One of the funniest things about it is he never learns from his mistakes with girls and gets slapped all throughout the show. The originality is good saying that this is a pretty original anime like how they made it. I really enjoy watching this anime and it is one that I can watch at anytime and it will never get old and so that is a huge factor in enjoyment and I think every anime should make their presentation this good because it does not have that many flaws in my opinion.

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Kaolla-kake's Great Teacher Onizuka Tv Review

Rated: 7

The humor in this is endless and the best part, It's humor you actually understand! Onizuka is your average guy and he acts like one too. He's crude, rude and has an attitude. He isn't always that way though. You can always count on him to be the good guy in the end (because Onizuka is just so damn lovable!) Just as the art isn't fluff, neither are the characters. They are crisp, sharp characters that aren't complex but you have to watch and watch to see how their character develops, like most things you watch. It'll keep you laughing for a long time, even after you finish watching it. I wouldn't reccomend it to people who are not into the whole up-skirt, slapstick, dirty joke type of anime because this is definately the definition of it all.

Tagged under Great Teacher Onizuka | 7 comments | Read More »

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