E1ectric's Gantz Tv Review

Presentation... where to begin... too many flashbacks, especially towards the end. They would begin every episode with
what happened in the last episode to the point that I would think that I accidentally chose an episode I had already
seen. Certain scenes used way too many stalling methods, like flashing between two people staring at each other both
saying "uh" with a stupid look on their faces or glaring at each other. I guess they did that in a feeble
attempt to build suspense. It didn't really work, just pisses me off. Now that I'm done bashing all the
things I didn't like about the presentation, overall it was decent.
There wasn't anything really funny in this anime, it's a more serious anime, so it's not a good choice
if you're looking for laughs.
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Chobitz7's Gantz Ova Review

Gantz is supposed to be an empty, almost nihilistic view of humanity, and is better thought of as one of those midnight movie of old, its classic, its gory, its sexy, its really sadistic, and it should get a 3 or 4... but due to its amazing feel, its crappy script, and far-fetched ideas, as well as several weird hentai scenes, this anime is ... well... so bad, that it is good.
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Shoujoboy's Gantz Tv Review

This show will have you feeling deja vu all the time. This show will have you feeling deja vu all the time. (Terrible joke I know, moving on). By the end of Gantz you will have relived the same scenarios at least 3 times only with different aliens. Gantz will start a game with a one hour time limit that goes on for about four episodes. During that time there will be a lot of gun pointing and talking about that gun pointing. Finally someone will kill an alien, and then another will pop up. A bunch of people will die. The game will finally end. Rinse and repeat. Worse yet, it goes absolutely nowhere. There isn't a plotline to follow at all. It goes nowhere and ends with absolutely no closure as to what the hell has gone on for 26 episodes.
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Boojitsu's Gantz Tv Review

The story was great. The characters were well developed for the most part. The ideas were wonderful but the execution overall was somewhat poor. They had some good humor and some very memorable scenes, but the feel of it gets lost sometimes because of the pace, the timing, or the mood at which the scenes come at you. The anime is typically received with either love or disdain. There are not a lot of middle-grounders (though it could be because the middle-grounders aren't voicing as animatedly as the extremes are). So if you haven't seen the series or read the manga, I suggest trying the first disc or first volume. It is a very good indicator of how the whole series, as a whole is. Some nudity, gore, lots of language, and an overall depressing / dark theme.
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Cokedupmonkey1's Gantz Tv Review

Gantz my not be the best series I have in the last year but that is not to say it wasn’t enjoyable. The story was quite original and it felt new and fresh. The themes that the show tackles like suicide, being a pervert, obsessive compulsive disorder and a myriad of human short comings with out actual trying to say that they are wrong or having a moral is a big plus in my book. The story sort of says well they are just humans so ____-it I am not going to fix them. As for humor what can I say there is some black humor, it mostly has to do with the perverted main character and his adolescent minds almost debilitating obsession with the opposite sex. That begin said the show and series was a nice watch not really worth a second run through but nice the first time.
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