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NovaProspekt's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 9

Every element in this series is well planned, and executed wonderfully. From the setting to the character designs, animation, the sound and music, and most importantly, the story; they all mix together to create a sweet anime about love and growing up.. and a winged thief. Such is anime. There isn't much to put here that I haven't said already. I recommend this to anyone who is up for a love-ly story.

For some reason, this is rated "TVPG." The young viewers might not get the story, so they'd be disinterested. But anyone 13 and up wouldn't have a problem with the content in this anime. The only violence in the series are a few brief fights between Dark and his rival Krad, which involves them shooting feathers at each other. There isn't even a drop of blood that I can remember.

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Dreamer25's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 8

The first episode is a nice grabber. It opens with a fight between Dark and Krad and leads you to wonder what is Black wings and why are they fighting. Also who is the good and who is the bad. You would expect it to be the one with white wings, but as the episodes continues you see that white is evil. Though they are not strong with a very stable expression of the plot. They established in the first episode the difference between the anime and manga. Also they give a nice view of the whole town in beginning giving off the uniqueness of the world which the story takes place. Other than that they need to be a little clearer on what is going on instead of making it a majority of filler chapters.

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Aoshi101's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 9

Now for the overall series, great. Definately a rewatch series. there were a couple slow points in the presentation as far as how long some scenes were, but I was able to skip over the minor because I know their pound to have some problems there. The whole series flowed almost like water. Every transition fit and the speed of each scene change was perfect. I wouldn't have done any better. Aside from all that the morale was clearly stated as the series went on. On top of all that the humor was superb. The humor was always on the mark. There were some scenes that were perfect for humor and they took advantage of it. This series is worth the effort and money on getting. This is a must own for you anime fans out there.

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Headaches4ever's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 7

Originality for the plot line in the anime/manga of D N Angel was extrodanary, I had seen nothing like it. The characters had there own quirks and abilities, everyone was their own character... Everyone was original. it has a few funny moments but overall it was a romantic/fantacy novel, so it had its moments... I have laughed when I wathced if you know what I mean. It was overall entertaining to watch, though it's differences from the manga bothered me a little. though i was surprised that the characters were quite similar to that of the Manga and that was good. I 've seen some anime that has completely botched characters from their original context. I believe the things they changed they changed for good reasons, such as the layout of the city.

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Animefreakzzz's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 8

I think it is definitely an original piece of anime because I have not seen any anime that is quite like it. And also, another plus point is that the anime has drawn plenty of fans due to its innocent story plot whereby the characters are real to each other and u can actually feel the purity in their heart. The show is innocent. Humour is there. It is definitely there. The humour is mild and yet extremely enjoyable. Also do lookout for daisuke’s cute little pet WIZ. This pet is extremely useful as it is able to morph into daisuke and “sort of� get him out of sticky situations. Also another fact about wiz is that it is Dark’s wings. Wiz changes into dark’s wings when flight is needed.

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DarkSephiroth's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 9

This anime was a really enjoyable anime to watch. I have watched it two times already and have come to appreciate it even more after the second time. The only problem is that I already know the ending and what happens so it isn't as exciting to watch a second time. There were some slow moments in the anime but they were very minor and did not bore me. For example, I dont believe the episode about Wizu and the strawberries episode had much to do with the overall story other than to give more details about Wizu and his relationship with Daisuke and Dark. Even though it's sort of like a "filler" episode, it was still very well done and wasn't totally meaningless.

The special effects in this anime was excellent. The feathers were very realistic and looked amazing.

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Periphery's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 7

The interaction between the characters - especially Dark and Daisuke - should be the main focus of this anime. The story is confused, but the character development is fairly good, with most of the sub-characters being more than colored figures in the background.

Being a girl, I enjoyed watching the Dark and Krad scenes the most. In my opinion, they were the coolest characters in the anime. Daisuke and Satoshi also had a strong friendship, despite their rivalry, and this is shown especially in the last episode.

The music and voice acting was one of the highlights for this anime. The voice actors really did their job well. (This is referring to the japanese voice acting) The music also emphasized the feeling of each scene, and was quite nice.

The ending was a little rushed though.

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Jinnai's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 6

This isn't to say it was great, because it had a few important flaws. For one, the use of black magic in the setting bothered me. To many, the use of tarot cards and spell-casting in the real world isn't a big deal, but it made the tone of the show feel a bit off to me. It doesn't flow well with the light and airy atmosphere the rest of the show has. Second, the whole "angel" concept here is a shoujo convention that has no real purpose as I see it. It's a gimmick, not a useful part of the story (at least not yet). Then there's Risa, who is too close to the "power of love" stereotype who mindlessly finds herself attracted to Dark.

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Sugar's D.N.Angel Tv Review


Rated: 10

Genre: Comedy / Fantasy (Age Rating 13+)
Eps : 26

Its strange that daisuke tries to declare his love to the girl of his dreams, but fails. Suddenly, whenever he thinks about this girl he turns into the legendary phantom thief known as Dark Mousy. Daisuke's mother, very much aware of this, makes him turn into Dark and steal valuable works of art for a purpose unkown to Daisuke its funny^^

Being a teenager is rough enough, but young Daisuke's got more troubles than any ten normal guys. Due to a strange quirk of genetics, Daisuke's been cursed with an ancient family affliction that's sure to put some major kinks in his relationship with the opposite sex. You see, whenever he becomes... enamored...

Tagged under D.N.Angel | 18 comments | Read More »

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