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Loyd's Castlevania Tv Review


Rated: 9

This game you can just hop into at any point but you may get lost the maps are easy to learn and the almost connect everything so there isn't alot of walking from one side to the other this game as you squared off son against father which is not the original but both of htem being over 400 years old is kind of cool you can shapeshift into three different forms you a vampire well half and half(your mother was human)and this game you can just sit down and play for hours apon hours people that are watching can have a blast by taunting who ever is playing because its fun to mess with people and if they loss focus for to long they are dead this game is not to hard but if you have never played a castlevania game before this is like learning how to ride a bike for the first time its just takes ti

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Ddus' Castlevania Tv Review


Rated: 7

Definitely an original game in itself. The storyline is already original although it is somewhat a weak plot. Nothing too interesting regarding the conversations of characters as they are brief and few and very uninformative. But that keeps the mysterious feel of the whole game and makes it a little interesting for the more serious gamers who take the storyline into consideration. Definitely an enjoyable game to play. The undeniably cool visual and audio effects are a real boost to an otherwise boring game genre (in this case a would be boring game genre with a lousy story). The visual and audible presentation more than makes up for the poor storyline and somewhat makes this game a notch above the other games of the same genre. The playability of the game is just nice.

Tagged under Castlevania | 2 comments | Read More »

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