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Tricause's Candidate for Goddess Tv And Ova Review

Candidate for Goddess

Rated: 9

One can easy enjoy the whole uncompleted series, because there was not a point in which there was nothing to enjoy. The fact that there was no resolution to the series should not affect it negatively, it should be viewed as room for an unknown future, though admittedly one can be a bit upset that they canceled the series and never reinitiated it. The opening scene and just Zero's personality can hook someone onto this series as well as the humorous repeated failures of Clay. The fact that he always believes retreating is an option makes him vulnerable with a average life span of ten seconds in battle. The story was original, regardless if it had some aspects of Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gundam intertwined within it.

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Fallenfate's Candidate for Goddess Tv Review

Candidate for Goddess

Rated: 8

originality: well..i'd have to say, i could never come up with this kinda thing, and i thought it was the most original storyline when i first watched it. now come to think of it, its not all THAT original. it has everything thrown in. such as a bit of gundam...(ish)... neo genesis evangelion... and others too. so in a way it is, but not. basically, these candidates want to become pilots to these five goddesses..they all have this special ability/substance in them...EX... and they're fighting 'victim' and protecting Zion from them. non one knows for sure apart from a few characters it seems.. and theres a conpiracy that lurks int he story too... okay, so a pretty good originality...
humour: is good.the interaction between the two male and female leads..

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