Jasaiyajin's Berserk Tv Review
The manga presents itself in a future time first, then slowly works it's way back to the originating scheme of things. It's an original story with slight humor, but lacks a happy atmosphere. Berserk is certainly for those that enjoy a dark manga, a change from a happy ending esque pace most stories tell. As for originality, the protagonist is a sword wielding, straight forward human, along with fairies, witches, and demons mixed in a bag of nuts, called people that have more baggage than they can carry. Life, in all walks, is portrayed in the darkest of ages when people succumb to immoral and infernal deed amongst others.
I couldn’t stop reading the manga once picked up and I usually don’t read like a maniac all that much anyway.
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Anime104's Berserk Tv Review
There is not much humor in this anime,aswell there shouldn't be because this is a fiecre/ powerful/ and serious anime. However even without humor to add a fun factor the enjoyment is off the scale for this anime. Everything about this show is executed so well it is amazing that it doesn't have a bigger following or at least a couple movies based off of it. The one negative and only one I can think of for the series is that ends so abruptley in what is actually the climax leaving the you (the viewer) saying to yourself..."is that it?". This was purposley done however though to get you to read the manga (and my I say well done, it worked) which picks up right where the show leaves off.it If you enjoy a great stroy at all and can stomach a little brutal violence you can not....
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Abetterreality's Berserk Tv Review
Well, for once, they DID make a guy who wields a big sword and actually looks like he could carry it! Unfortunately, I prefer the slimmer guys (I think they're MUCH cuter!). So no extra points for HIS character design, although he grew on me. Interesting was that they actually had a slim guy (Griffith) naked for about five minutes in episode 4 (strategically shaded/limbs strategically placed so that we couldn't see the..well...you know). I thought it was funny (and kind of interesting); he wasn't ugly, although he acted as if he had a thing for the main character...but you could just HEAR the seats in the auditorium squeaking because everyone else was fidgeting uncomfortably. I thought my roommate was gonna die from the 'ickiness...
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Xie-chan's Berserk Tv Review
The AnimeWorks DVDs contain, like most other DVDs of theirs, outtakes of the English Dub. These are quite amusing. Griffiths' voice actor has the propensity to burst into song. Caska's has developped a rather foul mouth (which was shocking to me who pictured Sae Sawanagouchi every time she spoke).
Apart from that, there are a few image galleries showing both images and character design sheets. Those are always fascinating and do contain some wonderful pictures. Plus, they're always helpful for planning cosplay ;)
The DVDs contain interviews with cast and directors which are quite interesting and insightful.
The show, as I've said a thousand times, was flawless. It was amazing to watch. The story, though seemingly very cookie cutter, was amazing the directions in which it went.
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Squeeb0y's Berserk Tv Review
Altogether, this is one of my favorite animes. It is a pleasure to watch, and has good replay value. I've watched the whole series from beginning to end twice, and there are a lot of subtleties to enjoy on a second or third viewing. It's also the kind of anime where if you just catch an episode somewhere in the middle, you'll at least be entertained, which is unfortunately not true of a lot of other animes, even really good ones. A lot of times, if you're not already into the plot of a series, seeing a middle episode will just leave you confused, and either disinterested, or wanting to watch it from the beginning. With Berserk, a single episode can be exillerating, and i know from personal experience that seeing a middle episode left me with no lack of interest.
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