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Littlejonny100's Air Gear Tv Review

Air Gear

Rated: 7

Ever play one of the 'Jet Set Radio' games?... Take away the spray-paint and you'd almost have Air Gear. The formula of Air Gear would fundamentally be a light touch of romance (both straight and slight yaio), a heavy touch of comedy (often twisted and perverted), mixed in with plenty of smooth, pulsing action. The action comes in two main forms, fighting and Air Trekking, whether that be joy riding or one of the many battles. These parts ultimately give an upbeat anime which acts are a near future portrayal of urban street life.

Another important sensation that is hard to define is the reaction you have when witnessing someone else's undying passion for a cause, the characters are passionate about Air Trek and in turn you also feel that urge to support them.

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Sbstransit's Air Gear Tv Review

Air Gear

Rated: 7

The pace of the story is well balanced and after each book will keep you wanting for more.. especially in battles, the first team battle takes around three books to complete but its really that exciting that you won�t realise you just finish a three-books battle. There was a good mix of humor and also of the seriousness of this anime.
The seriousness are the side stories (there is quite a lot) where the characters thought about things really helps you to understand what or why did he/she did this actions or whatsoever. The funny part is always the unorthodox actions by the main character �tree� and the girl who likes him and doesn�t want to say it out.

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