I havent played the game yet but that didnt stop me from understanding your review 100%. Good Job on your first review. Some Aspects were a bit lacking so i give your review a bone crushing *mediocre* 3out of 5
Devil May Cry tv Review
Story & Characters
this is about devil may cry 3 those who have played it know its a pain in the ass and for those who have i mean pain in the ass in a good way ?(a pain in the ass has no good way) anyway this devil may is not what was expected from us fan as most of you should have alresdy heard that devil may cry 3 is supposed to be easier than dmc1 and at the same time harder than dmc2 well its definrtly hard than dmc2 but as far as easier than dmc1 goes don't get your hopes up if your looking for a easy to start, easy to play game look else where if you don't have fast reflexes this game is not for you sorry. Well s everyone should know that this dmc has dante's brother vergil, if you did'nt well then let me explain dmc3 is a pre-quoll to the dmc series dmc3 takes place before dmc1 alot of games have been taking that turn lately..... well thats pretty much it for athe story................yeah thats it i think.............................................................................................................................................
the artwork of this devil may cry is almost the same but the designers seem to have heighten the quality a bit more since devil may cry 2 yeah dmc2's graphics were'nt perfect ad neither are the graphics of dmc3 if your like me you'll notice the flaw in the graphic design hey but no game is perfect ....yet till then this is surpprisingly amazing enough the artwork is so so not bad not good bu not bad if you know what i mean you should check it out for yourselves everyone is entitled to his/her own oppinion
this time around devil may cry has taken on a sort of heavy metal rock kind of music well i think its heavy metal or maybe normal loud rock you be the judge as far as i can tell the sound as the visual is stunning say the least there dose'nt seem to be any problems in the sound quality of devil may cry3 as far as OST's there aren't any i know of but feel free to search and tell me if you find any i would love to have a devil may cry OST although it would be weird for there to be one the music isn't really a factor.
the presentation of this devil may cry is more entertaining than the other two devil may cry games dante is ofcourse younger in this game and tends to make a few cocky jokes from time to time if playing your going to be on the edge constantly, if watch you'll never become bored its some what like an action movie. difficulty, well this game is definently difficult game starts with only normal and hard no easy yet ,you have to unlock that if in order of ascending its easy, normal, hard,dante must die, and heaven or hell modes. this game has plenty of re-play ability with a large amount of unlockables which i will not mention you'll find them . i think to get the full understanding everyone should play it for a while i believe there should be something in devil may cry for everyone no matter what kind of games you like ,you should buy it or find a friend with the game and test it out...........................................hope you like what you play .........................................and of course hope you have fun........................................................................................................
Final Verdict
7.6667 (good)
Reviewed by hikara, Jul 30, 2005
Kyrokushen Jul 30, 2005
toxictea23 Jul 30, 2005
The review seems fine, although you are missing a few things. You are missing..
-Proper punctuation
-and too many .......................................Nice review overall^.^ but i will give you a 2/5
FuzzyWhisper Jul 31, 2005
I'm not sure how things are done around here, but it must be noted that one cannot properly review a video game without breaking down its gameplay in detail.
The main draw of the Devil May Cry series has never been its art design, nor its soundtrack, nor its presentation (though it does play a significantly larger part than the former two), but its incomparably adaptable, freeform gameplay accompanied by highly stylized visuals. With all due respect (and I really do mean it), you do not strike me as someone who knows a particularly great deal about DMC. Also, something simply must be done about that grammar and punctuation.
1.5/5 for you, I'm afraid.
alucards1fan Jul 31, 2005
I have played the games and your review is very good I agree on all the rating/ also I think the Presentation was the best to ;]
TEKcamoKEN Dec 11, 2005
this review isn't about dmc,it's about your review.lol.that's fine.i haven't played the game,and the second dmc installment dissapointed me.you see, i played the second one 1st.i finished it, and then i played the 1st one.after finishing the 1st dmc,i realized that the second one was a bit lame.i'm a bit lazy to explain and think of explanations to why,but i just feel it.so i'm having mixed feelings about this third one...
sin-shenlong Oct 24, 2006
the third one rocks , and ur review is too low in all areas
UberDog Mar 23, 2015
Could use less spam filer and more structure, but not bad over all.
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