
Nephir's Devil May Cry Tv Review

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry tv Review

Story & Characters

The story of Devil May Cry seems to be very...confusing. Not confusion in the sense of "Huh? Why did she...how did he?" but in the sense of "I get what's going on, but why does he just trust her...why does Dante go through the castle without saying his destination?" In short, the game leaves out certain parts that explain the "why" to everything. Though the story is common and not much is added, the ending is questionable and the plot is predictable. It seems the game focused more on gameplay than a good story. The fact that Dante must kill demons is a simple one, but at times the story gets out of place when you find yourself in a sewer fighting a giant spider. At that point, you think "what's my main goal right now?" You'd say kill the head of Demons, but then you'd think why? That is simply why the stroyline must be filled in with inagination to fully understand what's going on. Either that, or play through and ignore it.
I liked the storyline a bit, but it was still nothing new. The fact that he had a brother who was turned into a demon and a mother who died mean nothing but simply his "reason" for hunting demons. It seems this game has take then common "tragedy...revenge...fight...end" theme into play.

Rating: 5


The art of this game isn't awesome, but then again it's not crappy. The movie cutscenes have the same graphics as the gameplay, so there's no special CG graphics like there would be in a FF game. Though the enemies are made well, the characters look the same throught the entire game. One must use their imagination to see what they're look like if they were more real.
But besides that, the backgrounds were great, and so were the stage designs. The castle atually feels like a catsle and not a maze, and the attacks look very nice.
Bad camera angles. Enough said about that.

Rating: 6


The game has some nice voice acting. Dante sounds like he looks in this game; a hot shot young guy who thinks cool and talks trash. Though the sound of Dante DMC3 is pathetic (they made Dante too much into a wanna rock-star gangster in the trailers I saw), the DMC 1 sound is great in my opinion.
The music fits the moment, but if you listen to the music alone, you'll feel like it's crap. The heavy rock fits the boss fights while the quieter softer tunes fill in the exploration parts. The music is put together nicely, but the variation is limited.
Personally, I hate rock. But even then, I say it's good enough for this game.

Rating: 7


The game was a very original game. You're the hero, you get upgrades, you fight demons, you save a girl, then you beat the king of demons. Then, the wolrd is safe. Yay.
Very common these days. Besides that, the game has very little humorous parts for it is more of a darker game than a funny one. It was extremley fun to play, even though I like games that make me laugh. This one had me repeating the same boss...while having fun doing it. When you die, it's because of the lame camera angles. But at that point, you realize the game is fun and it's not your fault. It's not agrivating like Mario (I almost threw a tantrum), but rather a fun game. You can always do different follow-ups or just pund the licing crap out of the enemy. The fun doesn't stop, and because of the somewhat simple A.I., the fun stays solid. It should, for there are unlockables that take up several run-throughs of the game. I personally beat it once, but I gave up after that. Not because it was bad, but because I wanted to play another game which I bought. Devil May Cry may tire some, but for others, it's just what they wanted. Unlike DMC3, this one is not so eay, and gladly not go hard. If you want hard, get Ninja Gaiden...heh.
There are few special attack which limit your capability, but building up small moves to unleash one big one is the fun of it all. Fighting is what the game is about, and at times it feels as if one plays just to get to the next fight. This game is definatly worth looking at and playing. If you've played games like Castlevania Lament of Innocence, you'll like this.
In short, this game is worth playing. Just, try not to get scared. Heh-heh.

Rating: 9

Final Verdict

6.8333 (above average)

Reviewed by Nephir, Jul 11, 2005


  1. hikara Jul 15, 2005

    your good at reviews too bad i can't say the same for my self i like this review

  2. ninjamike1234 Jul 26, 2005

    lol did he just diss ur review? subliminal messages! oh well I may notagree with you the story does suck but it dont diserve a 6 oh well,evryone has a right to there own opinion.

  3. Paptimus909 Jul 29, 2005

    I'm not sure what to think of this review other than, did you even try to beat either this game or DMC3 on anything but Easy Automatic? Camera angles are fine and upgrades prevent you from dying later in the game. The graphics and sound for this game were amazing for it's time and as for the story, read the manual? Play a game thoroughly before writing a review next time, please.

  4. Nephir Jul 29, 2005

    Ok, Mr. high and mighty. First of all, I'm reviewing DMC 1. Also, I've beaten the game 4 times over. Simply put, I only said what I thought about the rumors and Preview of DMC 3. Nothing more. You simply put words in my mouth.
    Excuse me for my rude sounding words, but I simply don't like to be misunderstood.

  5. Paptimus909 Jul 29, 2005

    Sorry, it just sounded like you were dissing a lot of stuff as commonplace in this game and possibly alluding to an unchallenging aspect of this game and DMC3 (these games have made me very happy since not many super challenging, well put together games are about these days). My sincerest apologies for jumping over the edge

  6. angelxxuan Banned Member May 22, 2012

    not a bad review, the series, in either format, original or english, is sort of cut and dry. it has it's moments here and there but over all it's not one of those rush out to buy and watch for all eternity sort of thing. two or three times is plenty.

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