hi, i luv galaxy angel and im glad that u shared this.its realy good altho in my opinion the overall rating shoud b a 10/10 hahaha
Galaxy Angel tv Review
Story & Characters
Firstly speaking i'll be reviewing the Game and Manga version which the story was different from the anime version.
The story is about an Lost Technology Warship Elle Ciel that receive order to protect Pince Shiva, prince of Transvaal Empire from the hand of Eonia a Exiled Prince of Tranvaal that rebelling againts the empire by using Unmanned Fleet.
The story was serious with some little comedy in it but has a lot of Romance.
The Characters mostly the same from anime version so this is the difference between them with the game ver :
1. Milfeulle Sakuraba :Not Extremely lucky like the anime, Ranpha's friend in the military academy,
2. Mint Blamanche : has mind reading ability
3.Ranpha Framboise : Milfeulle friend in the military academy
4.Forte Stollen : Has a really dark past
5.Vannila .H : Has a nanomachines pet, smiles quite often, has more expression
6.Chitose Karasuma : more like a yamato nadeshiko, an elite from military academy, a little scatterbrain in her daily
Characters that only appears in Game and Manga :
1.Takuto Mayers : Commander of Elle Ciel and Angel Troupe, has a really easygoing personality.
2.Lester : Vice Commander of Elle Ciel, has a rather strict personality especially to Takuto, Friends with takuto since
in Academy
3.Luft : an Admiral of Transvaal force and also a professor in the military academy
4.Almo: Elle Ciel Operator
5. Coco : Elle Ciel Operator
6.Shatoyan : the white moon goddes
7.Shiva : Prince of Transvaal Empire
The Manga version of Galaxy Angel was the original story.
Meanwhile the game version is a love sim game with some tactical battle as an add on to the main story
The art is done by Kanan, but there were some slight difference in character design.
Like Milfeulle hairstyle, Ranpha and Forte's clothes are not censored like the anime ver, Vannila's Expression
has more variation, Chitose's personality and character design are different.
There were a lot of 3D in the gane version meanwhile in the manga version the illustration are almost exactly the same.
There also some movies for each character in the game version that include their kiss scene.
The OST of the Game version i a way better than the anime version meanwhile the voice actor is still the same
Japanese cast.
Mayumi Yamaguchi as Forte Stollen
Mika Kanai as Vanilla .H
Miyuki Sawashiro as Mint Blancmanche
Ryoko Shintani as Milfeulle Sakuraba
Yukari Tamura as Ranpha Franboise
Saori Goto as Chitose Karasuma
The humour were reduced greatly, in addition it has a solid story and plot.
The game itself were enjoying to play with a different love story for each of the Angel Troupe. The difficulity is
moderate to each person, to me it was very easy.
The game itself already ended in 3 series:
1. Galaxy Angel
2. Galaxy Angel ~Moonlit Lover's~ ( this where chitose joined )
3. Galaxy Angel ~ Eternal Lover's~ ( The closing for the 3 game )
Why i said the game ended i suggest you play it yourself and you will understand ( I don't want to be a spoiler
The Manga is still continuing in Japan, the first session were already ended and now they serialized the 2nd session
under the name Galaxy Angel 2nd.
Final Verdict
8.8333 (very good)
Reviewed by Seria, Jun 25, 2005
VanillaHfan01 Jul 02, 2005
greatdragon Nov 06, 2005
i love this anime
nakrocker Nov 07, 2005
Hello I am a huge fan of Galaxy Angel. I am very thankful to you for sharing your knowledge about this anime. I love this anime very very very much. I would rate this review as an EXCELLENT review so thank you very much for sharing this info to us. MORE POWER TO YOU!
c000540 Nov 14, 2005
this anime is so great^^
I love it , too^^ -
mirfeurre Dec 12, 2005
takuto ur going to die someday
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