
anime104's Berserk Tv Review


Berserk tv Review

This is a tale of friendship, betrayal and lots of bloodshed, a tale of a young mercenary named Guts...

From the moment he was brought into this world from his dead mother's womb, he has constantly been forced to fight, never owning a single friend in his life. That is, until the day he barely survives a battle with a huge armor-clad warrior. After receiving his reward, Guts leaves and finds himself ambushed by a bunch of mercenaries belonging to the "Band of the Hawks". Little did he know that after battling it out with their skillful leader, Griffith, he would serve under the very man that would one day become his most trusted friend. The tale of Guts has just begun...

Story & Characters

The story is where Berserk really goes above and beyond and steps out of the average and into the fantastic, the memorable, and into the level of greatness. The story fallows the path of Guts and his relationship with Griffith, Cask, and the rest of the band of the hawks. What makes this story so great is that it plays off of the chracters so nicely. Not one is to overpowering or the focal point of to much attention, they all lend themselves so throughly to the story and not one seems out of place or uneeded. also for 90% of the series (anime not manga) everything is portrayed in such a realistic fashion. There are no fireball spells or summonings that wipe out every bad guy in the way, it just gets down and dirty into the grit of battle with sword to sword/ axe/ etc... The tale spun out of these battles and the interaction between the characters before hand and after the action is what will keep you glued to the screen. The each are so interesting in the way they think and the reasons for why they are doing what they are doing. This is definitley not an anime to overlook.

Rating: 10


The animation in the show while at times can seem a bit dated still does a great job and actually fits its old look perfectly with the midevil setting of the show. the characters are all well designed. the armor and clothing they wear is all quite detailed. The fight scenes, while containg there fair share of stills portray the brutality and the fierceness of each fight/ battle nicely. You will be on the edge of your seat every moment during a battle and eagerly anticipating the next one. The backgrounds in the show such as mountains, forests and skys are a bit bland at times but they don't detract anything from your enjoyment.

Rating: 8


Nothing much to compliment about but also nothing to complain about. The one great thing in this series is the Voice acting. Each character's voice and emotion is expressed so well it's hard not to notice. Both the Dub and the Sub are great so whichever you prefer you will be happy to know that they are great. The music is where the sound is held back. There aren't really any memorable songs or themes to anything. While it was suitable for the battle scenes as it slowed down and got darker it wasn't great enough where it added to the scene. Also the Opening and Ending themes really don't seem to fit the show very well. Overall though its not bad but also not great.

Rating: 8


There is not much humor in this anime,aswell there shouldn't be because this is a fiecre/ powerful/ and serious anime. However even without humor to add a fun factor the enjoyment is off the scale for this anime. Everything about this show is executed so well it is amazing that it doesn't have a bigger following or at least a couple movies based off of it. The one negative and only one I can think of for the series is that ends so abruptley in what is actually the climax leaving the you (the viewer) saying to yourself..."is that it?". This was purposley done however though to get you to read the manga (and my I say well done, it worked) which picks up right where the show leaves off.it If you enjoy a great stroy at all and can stomach a little brutal violence you can not....I repeat cannot avoid this series a moment longer...GO SEE IT NOW! you will not be able to stop once you start and once completed I guarentee you will be ready to watch it all over again (and do so because certain things you may not have noticed the first time through suddenly become apparent the second time through).

Rating: 10

Final Verdict

9.3333 (very good)

Reviewed by anime104, Jun 23, 2005


  1. enriquetntcagua Jun 23, 2005

    could not agree more this one is among my all time favorites, i have showed it to virtually all my friends and relatives and they all love it, if only they continued it, even a movie and i will be happy, i read the manga, and still do to this day but here in venezueal very few people know english so they hate me when the ending arrives, and they cant continue it like i dit

  2. Lov36 Jul 04, 2005

    For those who never read it, look for it.
    This is one of my favourite comic books.

  3. freiyath Jul 08, 2005

    its very good story, dark and bloody, too bad the manga takes forever to complete, although it has very very detail artwork

  4. Zachior Aug 10, 2005

    Berserk, yay for vols. 1-5, boo to 6, wtf happened to our awesome anime after 5 people? WHAT happened!!!! I Lost all respect for the writers after 5.... I'm pretty sure they hired someone specifically to ruin the story line by writing the last volume. The Manga fills in SO MUCH of the questions you may have about this story line, yet either way this ending is poop. (In my opinion) They ***could*** have changed the anime around so we could understand what was happening. But they did not, they leave out a whole entire half of the story line involving a whole other army. (OF demons, Kinda explaining all the demon appearance BS) YET still, unecessary acts happen at the end that frustrated me! Overall I give it 6/10.(Not only rating on it's ending, :P) Though I'm very disappointed about this one >=(

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