
fallenkaze's Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Tv,manga Review

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! tv,manga Review

The Reborn! story revolves around a boy named Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, who is chosen to become the Vongola Family's boss. Timoteo, a.k.a. "Vongola IX," the current head of the family, sends Reborn, an infant hitman from Italy, to train Tsuna. Tsuna unwillingly undergoes training with Reborn.

Tsuna goes through many predicaments as he progresses, including fighting escaped Mafia convicts, a rival group of Vongola assassins and rival mafia families. Through his experiences, Tsuna becomes stronger and more confident.

Contributed by: shika-ma-ryuu

Story & Playability

Tsunayoshi Sawada is your average japanese high school student, well maybe not average what with his awful grades, and irrational fears of almost everything under the sun,but the worst part is he has completely accepted his "loser" lot in life, that is until he meets his new tutor, Reborn, who comes to Japan from Italy with news that Tsuna is the next in line to become the head of the Vongola family, the most renowned mafia family in the world, and Reborn has been sent to teach Tsuna how to be a mafia boss, oh did I mention that Reborn is a baby?

Now you shouldn't walk away from this series just because of its frankly ridiculous premise, now it should be said that Reborn started out as a gag manga, so some of the original ideas that are used in the first 24 episodes are a bit strange, but they are refined or tossed by the end of the first season, where for the next 7 seasons Reborn! is one of the most enjoyable Shounen series out there.

Reborn! though is a lengthy, a whooping 203 episodes + 180 more manga chapters (at the time this was written), but the series is definitely worth the many hours (and frankly days) that will be spent watching or reading this series. The series is split up in different ways depending on whether you watch or read it, If you read it the 6 arcs are in order from start to finish, and if you watch it, the first arc the "Daily Life" arc ,which provides most of the comedy in the show, is the first season, but some episodes later on are also part of the Daily Life Arc. I should mention that the first arc is a little slow since it is introducing all of the characters.

On to the characters and boy are there a lot of characters, maybe as many as Bleach, okay maybe not as many as Bleach, but there are a lot of characters, so I'll just name the main characters. Tsunayoshi Sawada is this series reluctant protagonist, while he may seem like a complete wimp at first he does possess a strong sense of justice and is a natural leader. Next up is Reborn, not much can be said about Reborn other than that he is the #1 hitman in the world and Tsuna's tutor, oh and that he has the body of a 3 year old. Gokudera Hayato is Tsuna's self proclaimed "right hand man" being the only member of Tsuna's group that has any experience being a hitman. As much as I'd love to name more of this series wacky and original characters that would be spoiling a lot, so lets leave it at that.

One thing that blew me away about Reborn is that at first I felt the same way as Tsuna, Reborn was weird, Lambo is annoying, and these jokes are corny, but as the series progressed I began to yearn for those long gone peaceful days, just as Tsuna did, which is quite a feat for any anime.

Overall Reborn is a great story about ones inner strength and taking responsibility for yourself, underneath all of that classic shounen bravado that we all love.

Rating: 8


The manga did originally start as a gag manga so the first 100 or so chapters are not the best looking in the world, but they are fitting for Reborn!'s wacky feel. The later chapters adopt the anime's art style making it very stylized and frankly fun to just look at the chapter cover art.

The anime on the other hand is mostly consistant, except for in the first season, where the first episode is a good quality, then it falters, then comes back even stronger after the first season and remains as such for the remainder of the series.

I particularly liked the fire effects in the series which is good, because fire becomes central to the plot later in the story. Overall I have no real gripes with the character designs, well other than Lambo....well you'll see. Yamato who is supposed to be the average baseball player definitely looks the part, and Gokudera who is from Italy definitely is distinguishable from everyone else in Japan, I guess what I'm saying is that the characters fit they're parts but don't in any way stand out as a really cool and original design.

One thing that this anime set out to do and did well is it's battle scenes, these are pure eye candy, well for a shounen at least, the high speed battles are always a sight to see.

Rating: 7


Well well well, Reborns music section, this should be fun. Reborn boasts a whole 8 openings and 16 endings, and I can't say that I hated any of them, but only a few of them have I gone out and searched up to listen to. As for background music Reborn has a rather large and mostly memorable soundtrack, when I rewatched the series I found my self subconciously humming along with the "Daily Life Song", though in the battles, while the soundtrack is nice and epic, the fighting always stole the show.

Most of the voice acting was surprisingly well done, though of course some voices took some getting used to(god I hated lambo)they all get there own chances to shine and all manage to do so. I'd like to particularly say that Tsuna's voice actress was amazing, being able to have such a range of emotions and making it so we didn't just watch Tsuna change but heard it to, she really brought the character to life.

For those of you who enjoy character songs, and the like, boy are you in luck with this series, every character has at least 3 songs + a few good character CD's which expand the already great story

Rating: 9


Reborn is a fun, wacky, and overall great anime for any age, despite it's at times ridiculous plot it is a light-hearted and funny anime deep down. If classic shounen anime is your schtick then, you probably don't need much convincing to watch Katekyo Hitman Reborn, but honestly I think that this series can be truly enjoyed by anyone who enjoys anime, which most anime can't do, which is probably what makes Reborn such a hit among it's extremely broad fan base.

Despite it's intimidating amount of episodes and chapters, Reborn never gets old and is always funny. I would definitely recommend Reborn to anyone looking for a more light-hearted shounen.

Rating: 8

Final Verdict

8.0000 (good)

Reviewed by fallenkaze, May 05, 2012


  1. hitsu-chan May 05, 2012

    I like your review =^^= I'd like to say that I agree with you, personnally, I don't think I liked a manga/anime like I like KHR now! x3 and for the moment, I agree that being tired of it is quite impossible x'D well, for the plot, it was quite interesting, I agree. and I was (like you) moved by the story and was living what Tsuna lived! :D for the art, I must say that I liked it =^^= (so many hotties in it x3 *fangirl screams*) ahem.. but I must admit that at a time, the art was despicable.. -____- for the music, I only liked CHERRYBLOSSOM and L.M.C. songs.. oh, and Mitsuoka Masami's song, too =^^= I didn't really paid attention to the soudtracks :O I was too focused on the battles :P
    well, thank you very much for the review xD
    KHR FTW ♥!

  2. angelxxuan Banned Member May 05, 2012

    not a bad review, but it could have used some tweaking in my opinion. listing another anime isn't always a wise idea, unless listing links, perhaps not everyone has seen bleach, to be honest I haven't really seen it, I just know about it. you could have mentioned more of the characters since there were so many and possibly broken the review down in anime and manga, but the sound and graphics section wasn't half bad. I have seen reborn, it's not all that bad, it reminds me of a variation of another anime due to it's gag running.

  3. 609891694 May 08, 2012

    i started with the anime. it took me half a year to watch the daily life arc (which is the first 18 episodes) cuz they weren't that good compared to other animes I watched. Then i only used 2 weeks to watch the rest of 'em. it's just so fun and so interesting, i stayed up to 3 almost everyday to watch them, and i didn't watch any other animes those 2 weeks, i just can't stop watching it. so after i was done with the 203 episodes, i read all the manga chapters (plus, it only took me about 3 days to finish the chapters that i haven't watched in the anime). after all, it became my favorite anime!
    KHR is the best

  4. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator May 13, 2012

    Yay, another Kaze review! :)

    First off, really nice job covering the good and the bad, as well as giving a very nice amount of attention to the often-neglected sound and art sections. I've been interested in this show for a while now, but I didn't really know much about it till reading this. Still, don't know if I can handle 200 episodes. O.o

    Hmm, overall your review was rather well written, but I do have a few suggestions that could help make it a bit more readable. First, the first few paragraphs had some really really long sentences that were a bit much to take in, so those might be a bit more readable if they were broken up. My only other suggestion would be to move this sentence to the end of the story section, since it would be a nice closer:

    Quote: Overall Reborn is a great story about ones inner strength and taking responsibility for yourself, underneath all of that classic shounen bravado that we all love.

    I apologize if this seems nitpicky (I know that it is); I just think these things would be subtle but make it flow even better. :D Nice work, Kaze!

  5. fallenkaze May 14, 2012

    Snicker, I wanted to move that sentence too! But I fear losing all of the story section if I edit it, my phone has been that evil before....

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