until I reached the part about the fanservice, I found this might be interesting to me. I'm not a fan of ecchi nor fanservice. from the review it gave me enough of a conclusion and probably not venture towards it or catch it with spoilers. but minus the fanservice I could probably find myself drifting into this. nice review, you gave enough detail without spoiling the show itself, nicely done :)
Kore wa Zombie desu ka? tv Review
Story & Characters
After watching enough gutbusting man-eating zombie movies you start thinking that you've seen everything that is until you saw Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? (aka KoreZom). This hybrid show takes those horror stuffs into a new leap with its flashiness like a magical girl chainsawing monsters or some guy trapped in your every harem jest.
Plain-looking high school student Aikawa Ayumu is a normal teenager living a boring, laid-back life with no excitement except one thing: as he's ready to tell you, he's a zombie. But how come a zombie doesn't feed on human fleshes and goes to school? That's not a long story. His life dramatically changed after being butchered by a serial killer. Luckily, a silver-haired lady necromancer by the name of Eucliwood "Eu" Hellscythe brought him back to life and Ayumu has entered the world of the occult since. Meanwhile, super-powered beasts wearing traditional seifuku called Megalo appeared wrecking havoc in town. Armed with a high magical (pink) chainsaw and a Cardcaptor outfit, Ayumu battles these monsters while trying to get to the bottom of things.
No mistake about it, KoreZom is utterly insane and comical. We've all seen the scene where a character selflessly jumps in front of a vehicle to save an animal or person countless times in anime, but in this case the potential hero, right before being struck, turns his head towards the screen and says: "Oh, yeah, I'm a zombie." Wow, that's one heck of a start and it sets a variety you couldn't expect in a show with the title "zombie." Wait, maybe you could.
For most part, KoreZom is purely for fun. Breath-taking humor being thrown rubbed away the disturbing gore and intense psychopath. There's chaos with zombies, vampires and the undead but the show always seems on the verge of blowing apart under the pressure of its own insanity. Characters are introduced when convenient or seemingly for the hell of it, to be killed or excised on a whim perhaps lighten the series up a little.
But they don't, being a typical harem trap, the female cast have convenient moe look yet their kinds don't
attract much. Eu is an expressionless bishoujo with a hidden past, Seraphim is a busty hot chick with sword and Tomonori
(naturally) is the protagonist's wife. For a "harem leader" achertype, Ayumu can pretty stand up for
himself as he can dismember without hesitant, not exactly the "loser" formula. Crazy, but brilliant.
Studio Deen, an animation studio who is famous for those bloody gore such as Higurashi and Umineko, here produces a bright and colorful effort which is hardly a paragon of action animation but loads itself up so effectively on the cute factor. Its designs are uninteresting, mainly focus on the moe standard with is trademark hairstyle, facial expression and eyes (although Eu's Gothic-moe look is a joke unto itself). Ayumu's design is even worse, you can immediately tell that he's yet again another dating heroes. Still, the utterly absurd parody of a magical girl transformation scene, complete with the sexy gasp, involving Ayumu is a hoot and the ensuing panty shots of him show that even the series' fairly frequent fanservice isn't immune to parody, either. Stick with this guy a little, and you'll see tons of crazy stuffs around him including his pervy delusion and "manservice."
Ah right, because the title has the word zombie, there are expectations of
violence. And speaking of violence, what is better than those moments full of all the decapitation, amputation and
disemboweling that even the most juvenile of gorehounds could desire.
Casting features some familiar faces, giving KoreZom a bit of familiarity shared by its genre. Majima Junji again voices a colorless nice guy, while others such as Haruna or Seraphim's manage to give the show pushes with their cutie tsundere tones.
The synthesizer-heavy musical score mixes some cheesy themes in with cutesy themes, an occasional mildly dramatic one, and themes which sound like they were directly borrowed from an ero game for an overall effect that is energetic but unimpressive. The same goes for OP "Ma?Ka?Se?Te Tonight" sung by Eu's seiyuu, a somewhat cute and spiritual the show has, and ED which composed with a highly enthusiastic male-female dual with the lead characters performing some new kind of caramelldansen in the background.
Accept KoreZom for what it is – a simple cutesy fanservice show – and it can be quite entertaining. However, those
who finished the show would find it quite disappointing. The plot is divided into two parts with little relation to each
other: the first part is about the search for the mystery behind the murders while the second revolves Eu's past.
But what more of an utter disappointment is how the producers turn the last episode into a mindless silly gag created
for fanservice. There's still the OVA (or perhaps a sequel) to talk about, but I highly doubt they will continue
the left-opened story. Just wait to see what other tricks they have up their sleeves. You will find lots of laughters
here, depth probably not, but really, what can you expect in a series that has a guy wearing women's clothing as
demon fighter?
Story: 5
Characters: 6
Art: 7
Animation: 7
Voice: 6
Music: 7
Overall: 6.75
+An entertaining, breath-taking humor take on demon-fighting cliches.
+Ayumu is kind of manly for his achertype.
+Ridiculous villains.
+Last episode is a cheap trick.
Final Verdict
6.0000 (average)
Reviewed by Weskalia, May 05, 2011
angelxxuan Banned Member May 05, 2011
MisaSasekage Moderator May 05, 2011
I've seen this show and I must agree with you the last episode was quite a disappointment. I didn't really like how they chose to do away with the main villain, it was clich
CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator May 06, 2011
I won't lie. I am sick of seeing zombie stuff. With the gaming medium abusing it to death, and anime slowly adapting it as well as television shows, it's become incredibly common and above all, boring material to work with. However, Zombie Desu ka did a great job of just making that a secondary focus and rather more so a harem/character development (even though there wasn't much of that in this) series, which is why I stuck around for the full viewing.
KoreZom ended up being a guilty pleasure and one that I actually ended up enjoying rather much so, minus the fact that we could of gotten more in depth with the characters, but never did. You summed the series beautifully in another well written review.
aozoraskies May 07, 2011
This series sounds hilarious. So awesomely a parody of those popular themes - zombie, harem, magical girls, ecchi. :3 I'm actually not a big fan of any of these themes but - If it's as gleeful as the way you reviewed it, it's so so on my to-watch list. :D
And there is action as well? :D Action plus rofl humour? And a likeable, independent hero, despite all the crazily endowed girls surrounding him? This sounds gorgeous, in concept at least. A pity that the 'heroine's and the actual storyline won't actually be deep - but it still sounds like a real puller-in. The villians won't be so bad that they will annoy me enough to quit the episode, would they? XD
I rather enjoyed the way you presented this review, it's very evident that you enjoyed the show (minus the unfortunate last episode) and you bring out all its plus points, without making any spoilers. This is probably one of your 'lightest' reviews, but also one of the most enjoyable. Great job!
Strike105X May 07, 2011
The only flaw i found in the show personally was the introduction of Sera, which seemed kind rushed or without any proper ideas, but she's quite cool as a character so you get over the idea quite easily. And the last episode i didn't found it disappointing in the least, imho it was great, starts of as as a generic fanservice episode then it really kicks of and manages to both parodies fanservice episodes in general and offer it in proper & ridiculous way. Can't say i agree with the rating as well, their are definitely some places where it deserves more (like the voice & story for example).
Weskalia May 07, 2011
Quote: The only flaw i found in the show personally was the introduction of Sera, which seemed kind rushed or without any proper ideas, but she's quite cool as a character so you get over the idea quite easily. And the last episode i didn't found it disappointing in the least, imho it was great, starts of as as a generic fanservice episode then it really kicks of and manages to both parodies fanservice episodes in general and offer it in proper & ridiculous way. Can't say i agree with the rating as well, their are definitely some places where it deserves more (like the voice & story for example).
Seeing your UP I'm not surprise why you disagree, you're into fanservice stuff, aren't you? I get what you've meant, but still, judging from KoreZom's reception, I say this is a harsh but fair review.KoreZom's story yet again another example of those show focused on fanservice anime have these days and there are flaws everywhere: lacks of character developments, in-depth stories and full of plotholes. The characters are hilarious but they aren't new, a tsundere. a badass hot chick, nothing new. And the villains are practically lame, a madwoman and a good-turned-bad guy, they draw a rush ending with no closure. The last episode isn't great either, for those into fanservice they may see otherwise but from normal viewers, it's extremely stupid. Why they didn't continue the story and replaced it with a letdown like that? If there's a sequel, it's a different story but there's none then you know. As for the voice, the seiyuu did all those kinds of role before, I don't expect anything new from them, it's the same standard tones ever and ever because they voiced the same character types. Compare to the "great" ones, it's simply not good enough. As mentioned above, KoreZom is just a show for entertainment, but for depth, character developments and a good conclusion, there's none of them.
princessmeyrin023 May 18, 2011
First of all, I'm glad that I decided to read this review. It was nicely written and I could picture well what is what even though I haven't watched the series yet. It was not a boring review, so yeah I have read it until the end. I think that KoreZom will be a good one for me, but then the fanservice thing got in the way. Mehh... not a fan of this thing. I really like stories that revolve around things like zombies and I love blood but then you say that this is not your usual bloody zombie type of story which excites me more.
The only thing I'm worried now is that you said that it is quite disappointing for people who watched it completely... I wish I won't.
Then again, thanks for reviewing the series!
distillme Jun 03, 2011
The show sounds interesting. Not sure if I will be checking it out, but the review was entertaining. Thanks!
rosu Jul 03, 2011
It does sound interesting but Im not really into this type of anime.. after reading your review good thing i didnt watch it.
AirJack Jul 14, 2011
Great review!, although I did enjoy the show.
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