
0Neosis' Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Tv Review

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny tv Review

The year is CE 73. Two years after the battle of Jachin Due, tensions still run high between naturals and coordinators. ZAFT has developed several new mobile suits, including several new gundams, and is preparing to unveil them to the world.

However, three of the gundams are hijacked by three of the EAF's Extendeds: Sting Oakley, Auel Neider, and Stellar Loussier. To recover the stolen mobile suits, the new ZAFT battleship Minerva heads out, with Shinn Asuka piloting the new Impulse Gundam. Once again, the world is plunged into a state of war between ZAFT and the EAF. Where will this new war lead? And how will the heroes of the previous war, Athrun Zala and Kira Yamato, react?

Credits: destati

Story & Characters

Like SEED; Destiny is more about the characters devolopment rather than mecha robot fighting which I don't think is bad idea, however the characters are shown to various flaws that leads them into troubling situations which I suppose is to make them seem more human I guess. Cause these needs to be short I'll only focus on the three main protagonists.

Kira Yamato : While protagonist in SEED he is now the tritagonist in Destiny, while I must say in Destiny Kira's character has matured from a frighten crybaby into a pacifistic soldier. Despite these I must say say that it troubled me a little that Kira can come off a little emotionless, but his character is great and improved.

Athrun Zala : Returning to Destiny as the second lead character again is Athrun; unlike Kira, Athrun's character hasn't changed much as he is still as hesitant as he was in SEED. I will say he is a better leader than he was in SEED, but he can come off kinda harsh and demanding to subordinates especial to Shinn. Still Athrun kinda repeats the same actions he made in SEED making his character pretty much the same in Destiny.

Shinn Asuka : Lastly the new hero and lead character Shinn. While shown to like other gundam heroes from previous series he shown to be both rebellious and hotheaded but does the right thing to help other people such as attacking the Earth Forces to stop them from killing innocent civilians and saving his love from being wrongfully disected like science project. However Shinn main flaw which is not entirely his fault is that he is forced to make both tragic choices, being surrounded by tragedy, and being knowingly used by people he trusts causes him to make errors in his judgement. Neverthless Shinn like Kira and Athrun is good character making us wonder why the director of Destiny would even throw the potenial of this character has by making him a pawn to the villains of Destiny.

Rating: 7


I must say the artwork of both the charcters and the mobile suits were impressive as most of the males and females were both handsome and beautiful in there own ways which maybe part of the reason while many people watch these show and it's previous show. As for the mecha's they quite decent but some of them were kinda copy offs from SEED in appearance.

Rating: 6


Most of the music is pretty good as it were pretty easy to listen to and enjoy. Also two of the songs were voted and one for best music in Japan's Anime Grand Prix. However Destiny music was good there opening and ending images for the music could have been better.

Rating: 6


Like SEED; Destiny is more about the characters devolopment rather than mecha robot fighting which I don't think is bad idea, however the characters are shown to various flaws that leads them into troubling situations which I suppose is to make them seem more human I guess. Cause these needs to be short I'll only focus on the three main protagonists. I must say the artwork of both the charcters and the mobile suits were impressive as most of the males and females were both handsome and beautiful in there own ways which maybe part of the reason while many people watch these show and it's previous show. As for the mecha's they quite decent but some of them were kinda copy offs from SEED in appearance. Most of the music is pretty good as it were pretty easy to listen to and enjoy. Also two of the songs were voted and one for best music in Japan's Anime Grand Prix. However Destiny music was good there opening and ending images for the music could have been better. Tp finish my review while Destiny was a decent series it could have been better, which is I think we should hope for better results from upcoming ''Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Movie''.

Rating: 6

Final Verdict

6.3333 (average)

Reviewed by 0Neosis, Jan 13, 2010


  1. Chitose-Bloodmoon Jan 13, 2010

    No people do not know this~~~
    That's too classic ??~~

  2. minayuri Jan 13, 2010

    Thanks for doing a review on your thoughts of Gundam SEED Destiny, not much has been done to improve Athrun Zala as a character, I hope whenever Sunrise decides to produce the SEED film, that they make Athrun not be so hesistant about situations and be more decisive. I agree with you that that the animation sequences for the opening could've been done better. I understand Shinn better now too.

  3. SchRita Jan 15, 2010

    Thanks for the review!

  4. mona12 Jan 15, 2010

    thanx for review ^_^

  5. rukasu04 Mute Member Jan 20, 2010

    Nice review

  6. Sanisa Feb 24, 2010

    Thanks for the review! Nice ^__^

  7. SchRita May 01, 2010

    Thanks for the review!

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