K-On!'s story revolves around four Japanese high school girls who join their school's light music club to try to save it from being abolished. However, they are the only members of the club, and at first Yui Hirasawa has no experience playing musical instruments or reading sheet music.
Story & Characters
It's a story of a group of high school girls making a popular music club. The club was supposed to be disbanded,
but Tainaka Ritsu, who have always wanted to make a band with her best friend, Akiyama Mio, tried to resurrect the club.
And so began the journey to find enough member so the club could be revived again.. Hirasawa Yui, a girl who is lack of
any obsession or any will to do anything in her life.. she didn't feel that she have any talent at all, judging
from what she have (or haven't) done in her previous schools... as soon as she enters high school she decides to do
something in her life, so the she chooses to join a club in her high school... When she first hear about the popular
music club, she thought it was as easy as it sounds... but as she meets the rest of the members, she realized that
perhaps she can finally accomplish something during her school life, along with her friends and band mates...
the episodes of this anime covers the life of the club members, and how their relationships develop... how they
practice, how they hang out together, and how they overcome their problems are covered in this anime.. even though this
is mainly a comedy anime, it has a conflict of it's own, so its enjoyable to watch it to the end...
the concept of this anime (which is school and music) isn't new at all, you will probably get bored in the earlier
parts of this anime, but as you watch it, you will find it somewhat enjoyable.. the anime is too short to have a good a
character development, though...but since the comedy is good you will forget about it...
Rating: 8
the artwork is nicely done. the character blends well with the background..While its simple, the artwork design for the
character is one of my favorites. Because the them for the anime is music, the artwork is kept simple to accommodate the
dynamic movement of the characters. There are five members of the popular music club, each with their own unique
characters. The clumsy Hirasawa Yui, the noisy Tainaka Ritsu, the shy Akiyama Mio, the relaxed Kotobuki Tsumugi and the
calm and collected freshman Nakano Azusa...
Rating: 7
as the title suggests, the anime is about a popular music club. The music is most likely the best part of this anime.
The songs are sung by the voice actors themselves, so it adds the reality to this anime... the pop music fits very well
with the theme of this anime. The music matches the story very well, and the background music add the atmosphere of the
story... there's even a mini album for each character on this anime, so you can enjoy different music theme for
each character...
The voice character did a very good job in this anime. they matches the personality of the characters very well...
Rating: 10
what I enjoy the most from this anime is the comedy and music. It's hilarious, as any four-panel manga-based
anime... The jokes are well put, and they're not too fast, so you can't miss them. the school theme on this
anime didn't show up very much.. the music club room is where mostly the scene will take place, so I think
it's kind of boring... The drama part didn't show up until the final episodes, but I personally think
it's kind of typical, though.. This anime has only a few characters (and there is no male character), to make the
story more compact.. The anime plot is short and simple, but it's nice to watch because the theme is good and
there's no wasted scenes.. It's a shame though, that I think this anime was too short.. If it has a second
season, I will definitely watch it...:D
overall, I think that the anime is worth watching, for those who love light and simple plot for anime...
Rating: 8
Final Verdict
8.1667 (good)
Reviewed by adith04, Nov 09, 2009