ok it seems pretty nice to me, but how to get that available, could i just download it from any where on the website, god bless you
Berserk tv Review
This is a tale of friendship, betrayal and lots of bloodshed, a tale of a young mercenary named Guts...
From the moment he was brought into this world from his dead mother's womb, he has constantly been forced to fight, never owning a single friend in his life. That is, until the day he barely survives a battle with a huge armor-clad warrior. After receiving his reward, Guts leaves and finds himself ambushed by a bunch of mercenaries belonging to the "Band of the Hawks". Little did he know that after battling it out with their skillful leader, Griffith, he would serve under the very man that would one day become his most trusted friend. The tale of Guts has just begun...
Story & Characters
Berserk is one of the best anime that I have watched in a long time.
From the start, the story draws you in, not even just in sheer fascination of the gore, but also in terms of character development. It flows seemlessly from one episode to the next complemented by masterful music and amazing characters. I don't really even know how to do justice in my description, but I would definitely reccommend it to anyone.
For more shoujo-oriented fans, there are wonderful blossoming relationships, and amazing character development. For those looking for violence, the battles are masterfully done. The story is a medieval setting, but eschews the common "sword and sorcery" aspects typical to the genre.
The only problems I would point out in regards to this anime would be that the ending arrives at the end of the first arc of the manga. That's about manga 12 or 14. Thus, there really isn't much closure. The manga has been going since 1988 or so, and just recently, the manga-ka has stated that they are about done with the beginning arc (at about manga 27). It's long if you want to get into the manga. There's also a game which covers to about manga 16. That aside, it is still a marvelous anime.
It also deals with several heavy topics, there is quite a bit of blood and violence, I'd probably reccommend it as 17+
The visual style of Berserk is one that I have had friends give mixed feelings on. It's very rough and not as clean as most anime now are prone to have. The roughness gives it a very quick paced charm though. It helps very much to give it a darker tone which I believe helps the story in countless ways. It certainly adds to the atmosphere of the piece, and, in its own way, is striking
The characters are not neglected, and in many aspects are more realistic. The fight scenes are amazingly done. Backrounds are beautifully rendered, and I do believe the series is hand painted cells.
The soundtrack is amazing, it's one of the few that I've bought. The background music makes up most of the soundtrack, and is very well suited to the mood of the piece. The main musical theme throughout the series, Forces, is an excellently done piece with winds and, in some versions, very haunting voices. It flows amazingly and, combined with the visual of the series, does an amazing job of transporting and captivating the reader in the story.
The OP and ED of the show are somewhat engrishified rock tunes, the first being a bit more rockish, entitled "Tell me Why" and the second a slower, more subdued hymn entitled "Waiting so Long" In all veracity, even if you don't like the OP and ED, it's pretty likely that you'll be skipping over them by the 3rd or 4th dvd anyhow.
The Japanese voice cast is very good with Nobutoshi Hayashi cast in the lead roll of Guts (Gattsu). He does a wonderful job and may also be known for his roles as Mido Ban (Getbackers), Tasuki (Fushigi Yugi), Knuckles (Sonic Adventures X), and Genmi (Sorcerer on the Rocks). Caska, the lead female character, is voiced by Yuko Miyamura, probably best known for her portrayal as Asuka from Eva, and the enigmatic and charismatic character of Griffiths is played by Toshiyuki Morikawa who voices Naraku (Inu Yasha), Sephiroth (FF: Advent Children), and oddly enough Kasumi (Gravitation). The cast does an excellent job with the characters and the Japanese track is nearly flawless.
The dub is of decent quality too. My brother watched it under the logic that it made more sense to watch an anime set in Europe in English. However, the fatal flaw of the dub for me was the actress cast into the part of Caska. Carolyn Keranen, who voiced Caska, also played Sae Sawanagouchi in Mahou Tsukai Tai!'s dub. It made it very difficult for me to believe that Caska was the strong, knightly female character, when I kept referrencing back to Sae. That kind of spoiled the dub for me. It did not seem to be a bad dub though.
The AnimeWorks DVDs contain, like most other DVDs of theirs, outtakes of the English Dub. These are quite amusing. Griffiths' voice actor has the propensity to burst into song. Caska's has developped a rather foul mouth (which was shocking to me who pictured Sae Sawanagouchi every time she spoke).
Apart from that, there are a few image galleries showing both images and character design sheets. Those are always fascinating and do contain some wonderful pictures. Plus, they're always helpful for planning cosplay ;)
The DVDs contain interviews with cast and directors which are quite interesting and insightful.
The show, as I've said a thousand times, was flawless. It was amazing to watch. The story, though seemingly very cookie cutter, was amazing the directions in which it went. Further, I was a big fan of Griffiths/Caska.
All in all, every element of Berserk combines to create a masterfully compelling work. Five stars. I'd reccommend it to my grandmother. Berserk has become one of the unjustly neglected shows in the past decade. It's pretty recent, running from October 1997-March 1998 in the late night spot. (Facts grabbed from Anime News Network)
Final Verdict
9.5000 (excellent)
Reviewed by xie-chan, Dec 03, 2004
loveshen Dec 04, 2004
Lolonoa Dec 05, 2004
I'm sorry but I don't agree with you.
Yes the story is amazing, so the soundtrack, but... the direction is AWFUL.
Every single action scene is awful. The most of them are slowed... slowed?!!?! Where are the fast duels of the original manga? Where are hundreds soldiers slayed by Guts in a couple of seconds?
No, no. I suggest the manga, but not the anime.
In Japan for the new episodes they have a new director: Miura himself didn't like this anime.
Bye! -
finiteyoda Dec 06, 2004
Hmm... personally, I find this rating kind of high. I started watching this series about two years ago, and sort of dropped off in the middle. It's sort of interesting, sort of mysterious, and draws you in, but for whatever reason, I just got distracted and lost interest... I may go back and finish it some time.
I do have to disagree about the artwork... the very early episodes are really bad quality. The fights look totally unnatural and wrong... it was one of the more poorly drawn series I'd seen in a while. The art gets a bit better as the show goes on though.
Sound-wise, I actually don't even remember the soundtrack, which makes me think it wasn't that outstanding... maybe I should go back and listen to it sometime... but in any case, for a soundtrack that's hard to even remember, I'm not sure it warrants a 10/10...?
Anyhow, I see you're new here, so welcome to MT!! Keep up the good effort ^^ -
david2331 Dec 06, 2004
I agree with xie-chan, this anime was excellent in all aspects except for the no closure thing.
Nighteyes Dec 06, 2004
I have to agree with Lolonoa. The story is very interesting, though they have not shown us a very important character, who, as the story flows, becomes more and more connected with Gatsu (those who have read the manga would problably understand)
About the soundtrack, I must say that it impressed me. Especially the "Gatsu" theme (the one that plays whenever we see Gatsu thinking etc ) is very good.
As for the direction, I didn't like but I didn't find that "awful" XD
Quote: except for the no closure thing.
If I'm not mistaken, they were about to begin the second season when the first season ended but something happened (no funds or something :\ )
*anyone with more info please? ^_^' * -
Lolonoa Dec 09, 2004
As for the direction, I didn't like but I didn't find that "awful" XDObviously it was just my personal opinion! :-)
CrimsonMonk Dec 16, 2004
Berserk is the best series i've ever seen. I saw the first episode years ago and still today it's my favourate with rich story line, loads of gore............mmmmmm giblets and who can forget the fantastic sword with which gatts brings forth the rain of blood and body parts. Berserk has earned its high rating.
ps more blood for the blood God muhaha!!
xie-chan May 25, 2005
I dunno, I'm a major shoujo anime person, so this was completely out of my genre to begin with. Perhaps I just look for a different sort of action scene. The rating was rather high, but it is probably one of the best anime I have ever seen.
It did take me a while to get into, but if you just watch it straight, it flows really well.
sadilfh Apr 06, 2006
i think the comic book is better than the anime. the drawings are much better in comic book
nainoi Oct 19, 2009
My favorite cartoon.
Nessbad94 Jun 26, 2011
I tried to watch it, even the story seemed good&interesting (it was on our TV), but the I've bored(( maybe I'll rewatch it someday)
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