
ninasun100's Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Ova Review

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ova Review

Two years after the defeat of Sephiroth by Cloud and his gang, a new danger reappears. This danger is Kadaj. He and his two brothers are out to get the cells of Jenova in order to bring back Sephiroth. Cloud, in order to stop it, must pick up the sword once again and join in the fight. With the help of the Turks and the former President of ShinRa, and his fellow friends, Cloud must prevent this danger and save Midgar and the world once again.

Description: Aoshi101

Story & Playability

I am sorry to say that this movie is embarrassing to the Final Fantasy series. But hey, we should have all expected that much, no? You know the impact you get after you get slapped across the face? You think, "I can't believe it!". That's what I thought after an hour and 41 minutes of increasing violence, senseless scenes, and a director's efforts to make money. Supposedly, if it weren't for the fact that it relates to Final Fantasy VII, no one would ever watch it again.

This movie, would not make sense to anybody that did not play Final Fantasy. So thus, this movie is for fans only. And was made for fans. How highly the producers thought of themselves! This movie, was made for Japanese fanes of the Final Fantasy series. Boom.

If you're a stranger, and you watch it, you think "What the hell is going on?" so I think the producers should have put an introduction to the characters. The beginning I thought, struck me as a very dull. A lot of parts are uncertain and leave you hanging. And keep you hanging! The main focus often switches from one to the other, and often is off track.

Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo's villanous ways aren't very villanous. A villian should make you want to hate them, and root for the heroes of the story. I just thought, "Hurry up and let someone win for God's sake." They have inhumane reflexes, they're all probably anorexic, and are faster than a speeding bullet. It's not very realistic.The evil in this story feels extremely phony as the villians(aka Kadaj Loz and Yazoo) keep dragging it out, and halfway through, you're probably already asleep.

Rating: 3


Obviously they would want good art in their movie, who doesn't? The producers wanted the art to be perfect(I could tell) Since they probably believed that first appearances are everything! Oh my.
Although the characters and scenes were done nicely and neatly, everybody looks the same, if you didn't notice. Vincent, I felt, looked like Cloud with black hair...

Okay. I just knew that they wanted Kadaj to look cool and sinister and hot. Boom, guess what? They failed in all three aspects. Kadaj looks like a total beauty queen, and mixes all these words that make no sense together.

There is this one scene where Cloud is going to rescue all the children, and he's through this...forest. Hey, guess what? Those trees in the background looked like poorly constructed Photoshop tree brushes.

Rating: 7


For the Japanese version, I'm sure everything was fine. I don't know. But for the English version, God knows what. The sounds are used at all the wrong times and often ruin the moment. Scenes that needed some background music didn't have any. There was too much garbage in the music and like I said before, trashed the moment. The only moment where I truly felt they had done a good job was with the Aerith and Cloud moment in the flowers.

I supposed the producers wanted the music to bring out suspenseful or touching feeling of the scene. Well, they did a pretty good job with the violence scenes.

The character's voices(Especially Cloud) are often mulled and they speak too fast at scenes. Sometimes you can barely hear them, and other times their voice projects too much.

Rating: 4


This movie was by far the worst of its years. Just to plainly say it out: I did not like it. At all(Hate is a very strong word...). This movie is 90% violence, and the 10% was Cloud's problems.


The fighting scenes happened too fast and too inhumane for the human eye to actually take it all in. The producers treat all the characters as if they were gods, and thus make them very un-realistic.

I know this review was short, but there's nothing much to say when all you can pinpoint are the bad points.(Please don't complain to me if the score is too low for your liking)

Hopefully, if they make another movie, they can fix their mistakes and make a better, more complete movie. Fortunately, after this movie, they won't be showing their faces for awhile to some people.

Rating: 2

Final Verdict

3.5000 (below average)

Reviewed by ninasun100, Aug 21, 2007


  1. chore-boy Aug 22, 2007

    lol wow...haha

    Cloud's problems were partially the point of the whole movie, he didn't want to fight because he felt like he couldn't (cos of Aerith and all)

  2. waltersullivan Aug 22, 2007

    This movie just continue the game's story, after Sephiroth defeated...so yes, is for those fans and GAMERS who played final fantasy 7. so those who new to the final fantasy might not known about it and why they watch it at first place ? you can't blame the producers

  3. Lariel Aug 22, 2007

    Overall, I would have given the show a higher rating than you would. The art was DEFINITELY better than what you describe- and don't judge the Japanese version over the English ones.

  4. shinshinovi Aug 22, 2007

    Those who will only agree to this review are the ones who are clueless about FFVII.
    I could have agreed to you to some parts except 2 things: Music and Art.

    Try to do a movie with the music and graphics that's better than AC.
    If you did a review instead on "Spirits Within", I could have agreed to you 100%.
    One more thing: A review should focus on all aspects, not just the bad eggs.

    This one is not a review.
    This is a criticism.

  5. MapleRose Retired Moderator Aug 22, 2007

    Quote by shinshinoviThis one is not a review.
    This is a criticism.

    No, this is more like a disappointed/angry fan's rant. Except, that's what forums are for. Reviews are for objective analysis.

    I don't care about the scores, they're just some numbers after all. But you did point out some positive things about the sound.

    And yes, you dislike the movie (you got that point across), but the way you wrote it out made it sound more like a rant than anything else.

  6. shinshinovi Aug 22, 2007

    Quote by MapleRose

    Quote by shinshinoviThis one is not a review.
    This is a criticism.

    No, this is more like a disappointed/angry fan's rant. Except, that's what forums are for. Reviews are for objective analysis.

    I don't care about the scores, they're just some numbers after all. But you did point out some positive things about the sound.

    And yes, you dislike the movie (you got that point across), but the way you wrote it out made it sound more like a rant than anything else.

    *I coated it with candy. x__x *
    Well, anyways, this is his review, and his comment as well. I respect that.
    But, I noticed, when a review's rating is lower than 4 or @ 10, comments are flushed. A way to attract, ne? I got attracted :P

  7. info-0 Aug 23, 2007

    Well if it was for music and art I would have given it 10/10 :). The fighting scenes were superb. I was stunned.

    But... The plot wasn't making much sense to me :/. Even though I have played and ended FF VII (long time ago). For this I would rate it 6/10 at most.

    However if you want an all action movie it's one of the best ever created :) (and it's animated o.O).

  8. 4fifteen Aug 31, 2007

    I saw this movie a year (or two?) ago without having any prior knowledge of anything Final Fantasy, much more FF7. All I know was that they were games.

    That aside -- I wasn't disappointed at all with this movie. The art/graphics blew me away, I thought the details and how they tried to make it seem as real as possible (facial expression nuances, the hair, the clothes, etc) was astounding. The music, I think, is superb; I've yet to get tired of the soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu. I watched the Japanese version (I find the English ones are always mangled, one way or the other anyway =\) so that may be the reason for different opinions.

    I do agree the plot is weak though, but I wasn't in this for the plot. It's definitely good for mindless entertainment, although not entirely mindless as one would have to pay close attention to the brief summary at the beginning of the story for the game story's background then piece it together with what they unfold.

  9. white-zero Sep 02, 2007

    Probably the most honest review of FF7 stuff ever. I love it when seeing the fans jumping on our back when we said anything bad about it.

  10. royaldarkness Sep 02, 2007

    I'll have to agree that the plot of the movie sucks, and that's coming from a FF7 fan. The only thing that kept me glued to the screen was the graphics, other than that I'd probably chuck it away and never watch it again. But I do think that 3.50/10 is a little too critical lol.

  11. drastikhate Sep 05, 2007

    This isnt anything like Spirits Within!

    Come on! Overall the graphics blew me away. The only thing i hated was the plot.
    This movie doesnt warrant such a low rating.

  12. 4u2c Sep 06, 2007

    Agree with the review you gave. If it wasn't for the art, this movie would of bombed for faster than Spirits Within.
    The only good part in the movie would be the Tifa fight scene.

  13. ealpha-scorpio Sep 09, 2007

    Yup I agree with you about the plot and all. Same went with me when I watched the movie, I couldn't understand much of the story and, despite of the FF populatiry, I couldn't appreciate it much. I also agree with you one some parts about music and presentation, but I would rate it higher. Yet, just like you, I didn't/never like/d this movie.

  14. Saikusa Retired Moderator Sep 10, 2007

    I'd actually respect this type of opinion more if it was at all constructive. I don't jump on someone's back for voicing an opinion that's different to mine. Instead I jump on it when the opnion voiced has no foundation to it other than hormone fueled aggression.

    As it has already been pointed out, this is not a review it is merely a pointless rant.

  15. epsilon86 Sep 10, 2007

    Very true! I agree with you at some parts! Visual graphic is the only strenght of this movie. I watch it for the sake of CLoud and i was totally disapppointed. The story is more than lame and action are too far cry from realistic. Too fake! I felt Sepiroth and the other three villain guy too sissy. The most sissy of all is Sephiroth. Couldnt stand his look! I totally agree that Vincent look just like cloud with black hair!

  16. nitenwarrior Sep 12, 2007


    this is such a lopsided review.

  17. ShadowDreamer16 Sep 13, 2007

    For someone who hasn't played any of the Final Fantasy games and who just happens to own a copy of Advent Children; I think it's pretty fantastic. I mean the graphics are amazing. I couldn't get my cousins to watch anything Jap related until this movie and now they won't stop bothering me to borrow it all the time. No joke. The subbed version's pretty good too, and is it just me or are there missing scenes in the dubbed version.

  18. ealpha-scorpio Sep 13, 2007

    Quote by ShadowDreamer16For someone who hasn't played any of the Final Fantasy games and who just happens to own a copy of Advent Children; I think it's pretty fantastic. I mean the graphics are amazing. I couldn't get my cousins to watch anything Jap related until this movie and now they won't stop bothering me to borrow it all the time. No joke. The subbed version's pretty good too, and is it just me or are there missing scenes in the dubbed version.

    The graphis are amazing.

    Yeah! That's true when you talk about the presentation and music. After all this is what FF movies & games have become so famous for. But if you consider the plot and story telling, it is definitely confusing for a none-gamer.
    Liking an anime depends on one's standards and critirias. I guess for your cousines, the presentation and graphics are more important. But there are people who will not like an anime for its' visual and sound effects. The notion and plot line sometimes have deeper effect on viewers (the reason, that there more popular animes than FF)

  19. Tavia-chan Sep 13, 2007

    Sorry to say, but I understood what was going on without even playing FF7 game. >_> At the time, I wasn't playing ANY Final Fantasy games.

    Personally, I loved this movie~! I thought the visual effects were great. The action/fighting is far-fetched, but what do you expect! They're all suppose to be elite ex-soldiers, so why wouldn't they be quick and stuff. The fighting scenes were quick, but I still throroughly enjoyed them. It made me want to watch the movie over again. xD

    And about the enemies, they are suppose to be a bunch of psycho nit-wits. What I was getting throughout the movie was that it was proving that they were totally stupid and it would be their downfall. Sephiroth did have a small part, but he was pyscho too lol. xD

    And about the plot, I really didn't mind it. Cloud worked through his problems and since I didn't know much about FF I gladly accepted the filler scenes. I'm just saying, fans of FF aren't the only ones who enjoy this movie. I got all my friends to watch and loved it too, and they didn't know ANYTHING about FF. xD

    Anyway, I'm done now.

  20. ShadowDreamer16 Sep 13, 2007

    Exactly, Thank you! All I was saying is that you don't have to be a fan of the games to love this movie. And like Tavia-chan said the plot wasn't exactly rocket science, it was pretty easy to follow.

  21. TeKnoman421 Sep 14, 2007

    I think nina is on crack. I thought Advent Children was both superb in both the CGI along with the continuation of the Final Fantasy VII storyline. l think either nina is simply not a FF fan or she just has no idea what she is talking about.

  22. kyosuke Sep 14, 2007

    Wow, finally. A review which says the truth about Advent Children.

    Even though I must admit I like the soundtrack and some of the fights are good... but out of that, you only have a brainless movie with no plot (yes, no plot) with the really mediocre Final Fantasy VII elements.

    Even Spirit Within is a complete master piece, compared to this... thing.

  23. ArtificialRaindrop Oct 30, 2007

    Well, here I go again...

    Look, I agree with you 99.9% (minus the notes about the problems being with the English version, because those were issues in BOTH versions). I even agree with the overall score. I hated the movie, and the squealing that was done over it by blind fanatics.

    But your review is terrible.

    Well, like it's already been stated this isn't a review, but a rant. You didn't even cover the Story & Characters section, you just filled it with raving about what a terrible job you think the producers did without even applying it to the characters or the story. You took something that you hated and looked for reasons to back up that bias, rather than looking at it objectively which is what reviews are about. Complaining about it is for the forums. I hoped when I saw the low score that it would be more objective, but I guess I should have known better.

    And as for the people posting here that are applauding you and also the ones saying the movie was amazing, the Internet-Review-God should come down and slap all of you. Why is it so hard for people to give a simple pro's and con's explanation of a movie/series/manga/whatever? And now I'm ranting too. X-O

    Quote by MapleRoseReviews are for objective analysis.

    Well, at least someone else understands this.

    Come on, people. It's not a crime to give low scores or high scores, just be objective about it.

  24. SukiLovesAnime Dec 16, 2008

    I thought the art n music was excellent since they tried to make it as real as possible.
    I have yet to finish the FFVII game cause I have no Playstation or the memory card for it.
    So it's somewhat collecting dust for now.
    But that's besides the point.
    The music that went with the scences were good as well.
    I think the japanese voice actors did a nice job as well as the overall movie was very good to me.

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