
Hasaki-Keissi's The Third Tv Review

The Third

The Third tv Review

In the distant future, because of the inter planet war that has continued for centuries, the civilization has ruined. Human being has lost every thing, and the population decreased to 1/5. Pseudo-human, "The Third", is said to have appeared just after the war. They have red pupils called "Space Eyes". Using them, they can control computer systems and so on, and rule the world by their superior power.

In this world, there is a girl, Honoka. She is a jack-of-all-trades, and she accepts any order except murder. One day, she happens to find a young Ikus in the desert. When she accepts the order from him, her great adventure begins.

Story & Characters

Let me start off with a plot synopsis for those who don't know. (Or for those who forgot.)

Synopsis: With the help of an artificially intelligent tank called Bogie, Honoka attempts to make a living as a jack of all trades for hire in a future devastated by war and full of over-sized insects that plauge the sands between towns. One day in her travels she comes accross, a strange man alone in the desert, but having rescued him may have some consequences and bring some unwanted trouble her way.
(Source: Anime New Network)

Okay, I'll admit this much; the whole post apocolyptic world thing isn't exactly original and it's application to a desert world isn't exactly original. Both can be found in the series Desert Punk. (I will be using this reference a lot, so get used to it.) I will hand them the whole mixing of "samuraii" flare to it all, in a very well planned action series that ranges from episodic to continous nature that really gave this anime a sense of life, but almost no sense of time.
There are quite a few character cliques in their construction (Again, you find similar traits in Desert Punk characters.) or should I say, characterization. Though they did add some refreshing to the characters to give them some difference from their Desert Punk counterparts, and on the whole are better developed than the ones in Desert Punk. To prove this, the main character (Honoka) actually has morals, yes, that oh so dreaded word to the Desert Punk. Making for some very interesting, although seemingly drawn out conversations that lead the characters forward. (It also teaches a few hidden morals to the viewer, as tempting as it may be to simply skip over these sections. One can do quite a bit of thinking on what they say and do, sadly.)
Another clique, the ever present element of sci fi has returned! The race known simply as the Third (named for their third, spacial, eye.) dominates this world and controls all technology and trade with an iron fist (literally). Through the use of Autonomous Soldiers (Wow, ain't that original!) they enforce their "Technos Taboo." (Yeah! We love Taboos! *bleh*)
These Taboos definitely assisted the progress of the story tremendously, creating a real oppitunity for character development and relationship development. (Which they actually exploited, unlike their Desert Punk counterparts. +20 pts for them and their story!)

The characters of note are: Honoka, Bogie, Iks, Joey, Zanka, all of the Third (Pay attention to these people! They are the heart of the story, even if they don't appear to be! You miss half of the story if you neglect these people, sadly their stuff is boring political movements and the like.), Millie, and "Sensei" (Paife). If you were expecting individual reviews for each character, too bad, that has too many spoilers in it and then you wouldn't watch it, now would you? You can be honest with me.

For the Story they get a modest 7. It was good, but not anything more.

For the characters and their development, they get a solid 9. These characters had depth and were well developed. But that said, they weren't perfect. (Despite the great appeal of a 17 yr old girl with a tank. (Hey! Let me keep my youth for all that I can have.)

So Overall, the Story section will recieve a firm 8. For all the reasons stated.

Rating: 8


In short, they relied heavily on CGI and one can clearly distinguish the areas that they "drew out" (In appearance, anyway) and those that they produced via CGI. (-100 pts for the animators!) This becomes incredibly noticable in the areas surrounding vehicles as they move through the desert sands. Although I will admit that the use of such techniques on the vehicles was well done, it really gave the vehicles a sense of "cool" sci fi, that many "drawn out" ones just don't posses.

Leaving that behind, the characters were designed and colored in perfect synch with their personalities and life styles. (+30 pts for the animators!) It definitely rivals the clever designs and color schemes used in Desert Punk. (Yes! That one was actually well planned for its genre.)
Taking an example, look at Honoka for example. As stated above (in the "Story" portionm of this review), Honoka is a jack of all trades, except assasination. They really went to town on this one. They gave her a very practical appearance (ie the way she dresses.) and gave her (although not constant) an aura of confidence in the way she is drawn. However, they preserve her innocence with sweet eyes (most of the time) and a ribbon that she ties around her head. (Although this is related to the story, as well. It defintely adds a certain "cute" factor one wouldn't expect to find there.)

All in all, they could have done better in certain areas and in others they excelled.
The use of CGi was rather undisciplined, or at least seemed that way. So in that category they recieve a rating of a 6.
They really did well on the character design. At least in my opinion, they deserve a 9 in this category.
So if you run the math on this, it averages out to 7.5. And since I prefer to give a benifit of the doubt and round up, they recieve an overall score of an 8.

Rating: 8


At first, I will admit that the OST was interesting and good. But it got old really fast. Maybe it was me, but I really didn't hear all that many tracks. Although appropriate for a show that takes place in the desert. (Deserts tend to be like that.)
(Score of 6)

The opening and closings...The opening was definitely appropriate and well sung. The first closing was great, in terms of music. Truly a great mix of vocals and musical blending. The second closing, well didn't live up to the first.
(Score of 7)

The voicing was great. They really did their seiyuu magic with this one. The voices and their moods matched the characters' personalities and the situations they were in very well. (Please keep in mind that I viewed the Japanese Version, I have no knowledge of the English dubs.)
(Score of 9)

So overall, this protion get a 7. (Okay, it really a 7.25, but they don't ahve that, and it's too low to bump up to an 8 through my benefit of the doubt system.)

Rating: 7


My impressions will be stated first. I personally thought this was an enjoyable series to watch and would encourage anyone who likes an odd romance or sci fi to take a look at it. It may not the best in the world, I can already guarantee that. But it will be worth the view.

This show's real strong point isn't its humor, and that is really evident. The concept however, is a very nice one that is well placed into the story (And for the sake of those that haven't seen this, I will not say it. Because I hate people who spoil story lines, so I won't spoil it for you.)

Presentation as an overall, "The Third: The Girl with the Azure/Blue Eye" can be considered a well planned and produced series.

So, I have to say that under the area with the most personal opinion allowed, I express it in the form of a 9.

Rating: 9

Final Verdict

8.1667 (good)

Reviewed by Hasaki-Keissi, Jul 02, 2007


  1. SchRita Oct 31, 2009

    Thanks for the review!

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