
Danielly's Clover Manga Review


Clover manga Review

Suu was considered the only "four-leaf clover", a designation that denoted how much power over reality she could wield. In order to protect her and the rest of the world, she was kept isolated in a beautiful cage, where all her desires were met by intricate machinery.
One day, she has a single wish: to visit a place called "Fairy Park." Special agent Kazuhiko is assigned as her bodyguard and guide. However, Suu's power is highly desirous to many people, and no sooner do they step out of her cage that they are attacked. Along the way to Fairy Park they meet a "three-leaf clover" and a "two-leaf clover" who help them as far as their power extends, and Kazuhiko learns of the connection between Suu and a "one-leaf clover" named Oruha, Kazuhiko's murdered lover.

Story & Playability

First of all Clover by the first time is kinda confusing. --_--
the first and the second volumes starts talking about Suu, leaving behind so much questions,
that will be answered only on the last two volumes.

So to really understand the story you have to read first the last manga
that talks about Ran,
then read the tird that talks about the friendship between Suu and Oruha,
and finaly read the first and the second that talks about Kazuhiko and Suu's journey to the Fairy Park.

ok, there is just one question i have here that was left behind
in my point of view :
who kllied my beautiful Oruha???

hummf...aham... ok... back...

the story has some intersting points and as the others works from CLAMP
Clover try to transmit that we have to give more atention to our feelings.
the friendship, the love and the loneliness must be seen with other eyes
that is what i felt when finish reading it
thought it is a fiction a hightech story, the feelings problems are just the same problems we have

it is a so beautiful story. that is the least i can say.
this story has touched me as it touched most of my friends tha have read it.

Rating: 9


That is one of the best art design I have ever seen. @.@
one of the most beautiful expressions.,
it is simple done with simple backgrounds and few balloons. yeah
clover has a really georgeous art, though there are almost no sceneries and complex backgrounds.
and also Diferent from other works from CLAMP,
the characters here are so well done, the proportions are fine
( it is not like other works that has long arms and legs as a friend of mine says ).
one thing we constantly see in the CLAMP's works
is that the characters from diferents stories has almost the same face, it's rare on Clover,
The characters are well done and if you look carefully at Oruha for exemple
you will notice that she does not reminds any other character from Clamp like Touya does
(Touya = Lantis = Zagato = Seichiro = Fuuma = HIdeki = ...)

Rating: 10


i know only two musics from clover
(also it think that there are just these tow ^_^ hehe)
an instrumental one and the one sang on the clover music video.
the instrumental (just piano @.@ ) one is so very, very beautiful but melancholic,
i think it maches with the very sad moments of the sotry
like the moment when Oruha died.
the piano sound at the beginning is marvelous
and in the end it became gorgeous
the music sang on the clover music video is fascinating
i think is kinda sad and maybe it is the original version of
the song "clover" that Oruha sang on the manga.
again the music maches perfectly with the video
since it is kinda dramatic.
also the singer's voice of this one is perfect to be Suu's voice ^_^
i loved when she appeared singing hehehe

oh yeah these two musics must be only for clover hehe

ummm talking about songs i think i can say that
the lyrics of the musics that Ohura sings on the manga
are blue, tender and at the same time so cute,
specially "Clover" and "To be born again" althought just "clover"
has a playing version ^_^

Rating: 9


well if you like sad stories with dramatic points
that makes you think about things like your feelings
clover is perfect for you...
i almost cried with this story...
i felt pleasure while reading it on the happy moments
and look carefully we also have black humor on it
*it's when Barus appears... he's insane...*
with cutie moments...
sad moments...
happy moments...
dramatic moments...
... and black humored moments...
clover became my favorite manga^_~

Rating: 10

Final Verdict

9.5000 (excellent)

Reviewed by Danielly, Aug 27, 2006


  1. dianas Aug 27, 2006

    great review Danielly chan Clover deserves all the attention
    and for all Clover fans we envite u to the Clover-4-ever group..is like our small family..
    come viist us guys :) i`m shuer that u will not be sorry ;)

  2. annakee Aug 27, 2006

    hey, great. great ^^
    from now, i wanna see clover xD

  3. mizato Aug 28, 2006

    ah... kawaii desune

    e wa kireine

    watashi wa konoe ga suki desu.

  4. deerstop Sep 03, 2006

    very nice review

  5. daos Sep 10, 2006

    I luff Clover, but it's too bad I had to read them in the order the library gave them to me instead of the order you said the second time around.

  6. Chixxa Sep 18, 2006

    I dun liked the drawing style first, but i think now i wanna read/watch it <3

  7. GloriaChan Mar 10, 2007

    I love...so i understand what u mean...i cried so much.....
    However: i read that clamp want to continue it! and there's gonna be an OAV

  8. mars19902004 Oct 03, 2009

    I love Clover too. I cry a lot too >_< It was so sad.

  9. SchRita Jan 15, 2010

    Thanks for the review!

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