I think when Devil May Cry 3 came out last year it was one of the finest games games that made 2005 a great year for gaming. I would easily consider it one of my top games of that year, but it just ended up being overshadowed by games like Resident Evil 4 and God of War. This rerelease is going to bring it back to the forefront and allow many more people to play this great game. Good review.
Devil May Cry tv Review
Story & Characters
First and foremost this review is one for the most recently released Devil May Cry game: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition. So please keep that in mind when going through the review, now with that out of the way let's get this show on the road.
I'm the first to admit that the story in Devil May Cry could probably stand to be better, but the fact is that for what it is it's a pretty good story. The small band of characters: namely Dante, his brother Vergil, the mysterious Arkham, and the devil hunter Lady, allows for all of them to shine in their individual moments. This story comes down to Dante against Vergil, brother against brother. But in a sense it isn't good versus evil, more like the will to power (Vergil) against the noble intentions that power can bring (Dante). Throughout the game Dante matures, and comes to realize that he has a gift that has to be used to help mankind, through his encounters with Vergil, and Lady, he learns of what it really means to care and be a hero. Arkham is also a well played character, taking the role of master puppeteer, and playing it to a tee. Those who know what I'm talking about will probably tend to agree with me on that one. Lady herself is well portrayed as a mere human in a world full of devils and demons like Dante and Vergil, despite this she presses on, and continues to fight for what she believes in, as well as a chance for revenge against the person who did her wrong so long ago.
Overall, I'd actually be inclined to give the story an 8, but there's a significant flaw that is only found in the Special Edition that brings the score down another notch. That being the lack of story for Vergil. Granted since he becomes a playable character he does receive an opening cutscene, but after that there is no story for him to speak of. While no body expected a whole brand new story it would have been nice to have more than one cutscene for the whole campaign that Vergil ran in.
The artwork in Devil May Cry has always been a high point, and DMC3: SE is no exception to this. The main characters are done quite nicely, with Dante always giving off that cocky teenage vibe, while Vergil has the cold, heartless warrior tone for most of the game. Lady and Arkham are also quite well done in this regard, but that goes without saying. The cutscenes are exceptional, with none of them being too long or short, and always having a good deal of action to keep the player pumped for the next battle or mission. Within the game the motion capture and animations are done well, keeping the fluid and fernetic pace that is one of the series main selling points. The enemies as well are quite numerous and distinct, from the different breeds of sand demons each named after a deadly sin, to the chess set, to the numerous demonic bosses that Dante must face on his way up the Temin-Ne-Gru, all of them have a definite style and class to them, and all of them are well done and fit the overall theme.
On a special note I really have to admire the weapons that the game produces, as well as there aesthetics. Take for example Nevan, the truly electric guitar that summons bats to rock and shock enemies into submission. The crazy chords and awesome lightshows that accompany most of the attacks with the weapon really add extra emphasis to the amount of thought that was put into the design process.
Sound is yet another strong point to the DMC series as well as a shining example of the greatness of this game. The soundtrack is well done, being moodly and sombre when necessary, but then kicking it into high gear when the battles start, and trust me that there are a lot of battles to fight in DMC 3: SE. The voice work is also well done, especially among Vergil, Lady and Arkham. My only complaint here is that Dante at times can come off like a freshmen, spouting to many cliches for even the most die-hard DMC veteran to stomach, chalk it up to teen angst, but all those WOOS, and and ALL RIGHTs do start to grate after a while. Other than that the voice work is rather well done and the script is actually good enough to want to listen to during a playthrough, rather than just skipping over cutscenes like many other games make people want to do.
When playing as Vergil the sound quality is just as well done, since not much changes. Vergil's in game voice work is a little easier to bare with than Dante's however, and doesn't wear on the senses as much. Vergil is never one to spout much in terms of one liners, preferring to cut to the chase with such cheerful anecdotes as "die" "scum" and "be gone!". These fit his character however, and make the player feel like even more of a wrecking machine than they do while playing Dante, which I believe is what they were going for.
Now this is where DMC3: SE really earns its marks. For being a budget title there's a lot of new content to explore here, and it shows. Most notably of course is the option to play as Vergil, and while he doesn't have his own storyline he does play quite a bit differently from Dante, serving not just as some sort of colour swap but a true stand alone character capable of his own kind of stylish devastation. Other new features include the original Japanese continue (which has infinite continues and gold orbs which revive you on the spot) system for a little more help than the U.S. system (which uses yellow orbs and restarts from checkpoints). Also included are a Bloody Palace mode, where you have to fight your way to floor 9999 without the use of items or checkpoints, and a Turbo mode which makes the game run 120% faster for even more action oriented players out there. All of these additions and a drop in price are quite great selling points to an already great game, but there's still something else to be addressed.
There is always a constant debate over the Devil May Cry series and its difficulty. Some find the games to have a learning curve that is way too difficult to master, however I've never really thought that to be the case. I've always found the fighting system to be one that is easy to learn and difficult to master, button mashing will get you no where in this game but the graveyard. While combat may not have the overt finesse of a game like Ninja Gaiden, the system is still done brilliantly and generally if you die it's your own fault. The Devil May Cry series has always impressed my as being one of the few games that actually gets genuinely harder as the difficulty increases, not cheaper or more frustrating (for examples of cheap and frustrating please see Shinobi for the PS2, believe me, I beat it on very difficulty, and went through a controller or two in the process). But keep in mind that this is, as always, simply personal opinion, I am a die hard gamer, and I'm the first to say that this might not be for everyone, but given the chance, it can really grow on you.
Well, that's the long and short of it, I hope that whoever reads this review finds it to be of some help for them in deciding whether or not to purchase or rent Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition in the future. But whether you agree, disagree, or just think I'm plain nuts, as long as you've taken something away from this review I've done my job. Thanks for reading. Peace!
Final Verdict
8.8333 (very good)
Reviewed by Thegman, Feb 23, 2006
shoujoboy Feb 23, 2006
09Chiaki09 Feb 23, 2006
Nice review. Thx 4 sharing^^
It would be better if u out some screenshots, but they're hard to come by....
I really liked the game though, DANTE ROCKS! -
steban13 Feb 25, 2006
Very Nice!
gpc1 Feb 25, 2006
nice..i love this game!...but i havne't had time to finish the special edition one...
Momoko14 Mar 13, 2006
me cousin had that game its awesome devil may cry dante is so cool email me bac! BYE
Chans Mar 15, 2006
If you can describe the game in one word, AMAZING! is the word that you want.
shylo Mar 26, 2006
very good review! i havent yet had the chance to play the game yet... :( but i really want to! cant wait to play it...^_^
Rhyme097 Sep 14, 2006
I like it game ... so cool ... Ahhh it's hot !
sin-shenlong Oct 24, 2006
I agree with everything you said except one phrase:
"devil may cry 3 may not have the finesse that ninja gaiden has"
I believe devil may cry has even more finesse than ninja gaiden because, dante has crazier combos, which encorporates switching of weapons mid-combo (which tend to create combinations which are beyond our imagination) and incorporates smart usage of guns and swords plus other qwirks. I really think dmc 3 has the best battle system to date in action games -
Thegman Nov 01, 2006
Actually, I do completely agree with you. But most people tend to bring up the fact that Ninja Gaiden "seems" to have more finesse. But I have, and will always prefer, the system in DMC. Thanks for the comment, it's much appreciated!
rukasu04 Mute Member Feb 12, 2010
Thanks for the review
angelxxuan Banned Member May 23, 2012
should this not have been put under game review? but not a bad review, devil may cry games aren't that bad, I enjoy playing them that's for sure.
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